Yesterday, the villagers of Bella Vista in Southern Belize celebrated
the inauguration of their new health center. The clinic was built with funding
from the government of Belize, the Caribbean Development Bank and the European
Union Banana Support Programme. he two story concrete structure which was built
to withstand a category five storm has been equipped with a nurse’ and
doctor’s living quarters. The clinic has three bathrooms, a delivery,
examination and consultancy rooms. It also has a pharmacy. The structure is
expected to improve health care to hundreds families who reside in the area
and reduce the maternal and infant mortality rate. Here’s what it looks
Marco Alemani, EU Ambassador
“I understand this clinic is going to benefit directly about 700 families
in this region. It is also an example of the many social economic projects that
we are now financing through the social component of our banana programs in
the banana belt.”
Hon. Eden Martinez, Minister of Human Development
“To take care of their health center to make sure that they access
it as much as possible. I want to make reference to encouraging the staff who
will be running this center to be sensitize to the needs of the people of this
It cost $325,000.