Reliable but unconfirmed reports are that a second body has been recovered
from the Mopan River. The discovery was made around 2:15 this afternoon and
it is of an adult female. It is believed to be the body of the Guatemalan woman
from Arenal who currents swept away after their dory capsized on Friday afternoon.
The body was immediately taken to Guatemala for burial. On Sunday afternoon
the body of 17 year old Elsa Romero Mendez, a Guatemalan national, was recovered
from Arenal.
And in other news from Cayo, in Bullet Tree and Calla Creek, all residents
have already or about to leave shelters and schools will soon reopen. Bank accounts
have been opened to help flood victims. At the Belize Bank the account number
is 1120458 and at Atlantic Bank it is 1000185773. Both accounts are under the
name of Cayo Disaster Relief Fund.