The PUP executive held a regular meeting in Belize City today but they discussed
a most irregular report: a retired PUP politician is bad mouthing the current
leadership and says he’s going to take over the party. 7NEWS
has confirmed that Corozal Southwest Standard Bearer Greg Garcia has written
to the party executive complaining that Florencio Marin Sr. who retired from
electoral politics this year, told a gathering in Corozal Bay on the party’s
birthday that the present party leadership was inadequate and leadership posts
occupied by G-7 traitors.
According to Garcia’s report, the message was broadcast live on Radio
Bahia, a PUP friendly radio station in Corozal. We could not reach Marin Sr.
for comment. But Garcia says, more than bad mouthing John Briceno, and his deputies
Cordel Hyde and Mark Espat, Marin is also working to undermine him in Corozal
Southwest. Garcia says he has told PUP’s in southwest that he wants to
take over that seat and from there launch an attack on the party’s leadership.
Again, this is Garcia’s information, put to the party executive in a formal
letter but we could not reach Marin for comment.
But there is definitely something to it because Florencio Marin Jr. is also
running an executive red in Corozal Southeast. Marin Jr. who took over that
seat from his father when he won by a close margin in February has written to
the party’s secretary general telling him that his division will hold
its standard bearer convention on November 23rd.
Might not sound like such a big deal but that’s just not how it’s
done, not at all. The chain of command goes the other way: the executive declares
the convention season open and the constituencies then select their days from
within that. Convention season is also usually held in the run up to a general
election, not in the run–up to a municipal when all energies should be
focused on electing town councils.
The long and short of it is that there’s trouble brewing for Briceno
in two Corozal divisions and the next few weeks will tell whether the brew is
a tempest in a teapot or the strong stuff. But what we do know is that Briceno’s
leadership has reached out to the Marins but they have remained stand-offish.