In less than a day – the United States will have a new president.
It seems that this year Belizeans feel they have a stake in the election. In
fact, the whole world does as the phenomenal popularity of Barack Obama has
made him an international icon. And sure enough, there are signs of Obama mania
in Belize City with t-shirts, watches, and other paraphernalia being sold. We
hit the streets today to find out why and we start with Prime Minister Dean
Barrow who had no problem telling us who is his favourite.
Hon. Dean Barrow,
“Well personally of course Barack Obama.”
Jules Vasquez,
And from a executive position, would that also be viewed as advantageous?
Hon. Dean Barrow,
“That I don’t want to comment on.”
Arlene Capeter, Voted for Barack Obama
“I’ve sent in my absentee ballot. Why Obama? Because he will
do much more for our country than McCain. Actually McCain I don’t have
an issue with, it is Palin.”
Pete Capeter, Voted for Barack Obama
“Well we hope the country makes the right decision, it would be Obama.”
Enrique Ramos, Belizean
“I would say Obama. Obama I think because a change in the US might
make something better for the US and then you know like how the US economy always
affects Belize so it would be better for Belize if we get a good change.”
Supt. Edward Broaster,
“From what I’ve seen on CNN I think that Obama would be a better
President than McCain. Barack seems to be a person that unifies people together
and I believe the world will see significant benefit.”
Mary Simpson, Voted for Obama
“I voted for Obama and I think that he will be a very good leader
and I was not keen on the vice president that the other candidate selected because
I don’t think she has the experience that is needed if something would
happen to, I can’t think of his name.”
Belizean Man #2,
“Mr. Obama because he is a Democrat and we need a change in the United
States. The economy is in a bad state.”
Jules Vasquez,
Do you think if Obama wins you might sell more of these trinkets?
Belizean Man #2,
“Well I am really not interested if I will sell more but I see the
news and United States people are losing their houses, they are using their businesses through the economy and if I can’t gain from it, at least they
can gain from it.”
Belizean Man #3,
“Well I want Obama because Obama is more active and McCain, he is
kind of going out right now. But I think Obama will play a better role for the
President of the United States.”
Barbara Forrest, Voted for McCain
“I voted for McCain. My son voted for Obama.”
Keith Swift,
Why McCain?
Barbara Forrest,
“Because he has the maturity and he has been through the prisoner
of war experience and you have got to develop your own moral basic beliefs and
know what you’re fighting for when you do that. So I think he has a better
understanding of what we need to have.”
Raymond & Alice Kiser, Voted for McCain
“We voted for McCain. We voted early before we left…I really
don’t like everything about him or Obama but I was more for McCain in
a lot of things. I am against abortion and a lot of things like that.”
Keith Swift,
What if I tell you that most Belizeans want Obama to win because his policies
will be beneficial to us in the third world?
Barbara Forrest,
“Well maybe I would have changed my vote if I had known that. But
it is too late, I voted by mail before we left.”
Channel 7 will have coverage of the election throughout tomorrow.