The Belize River Valley may not be Belize’s bread basket but
– in a manner of speaking - it is the vegetable basket. The fertile lands
in the valley produce a bevy of vegetables – and for many farmers all
that was lost during the floods. But many of the crops grow in 90 day cycles
and now is the last opportunity to replant. That’s why Area Representative
Edmund Castro was handing out high yield seeds yesterday in Sandhill. Ernelda
Scott a former farmer of the year who lost everything in the floods told us
Ernelda Scott, Farmer
“I plant corn, cucumber, sweet pepper, habanera pepper, tomatoes,
and little bit of broccoli and lettuce. Everything destroyed, even the hogs
almost drowned. The whole place was under water. The toilet, the fowl coop,
the hog pen – everything was under water.
That will assist me a lot because the corn seed alone is very expensive
and then you have to buy the sweet pepper seed. Everything cost a lot of money
right now that I don’t have.”
Seeds were also handed out in other areas.