From December third to the tenth in Belize City 14 burglaries and aggravated
burglaries were reported. One of the more terrifying stories unfolded two days
ago. On Tuesday morning at 2:15, 49 year old Caf Suprelus was awakened by someone
knocking on the door of his home on Antelope Street.
He got up and that’s when he saw four men wearing masks already
inside his house. One was armed with a shotgun which he pointed at Suprelus
and demanded money. He was forced to the floor and pistol whipped. The four
home invaders then started to search house – breaking in other rooms occupied
by other tenants. They fled with a television, a stereo system, a cell phone,
a hundred dollars in cash, and an identification card. In other cases, Leroy
Reid and Elsy Dyer also report that their homes were burglarized. Reid says
$7,000 was stolen from his home on East Collet Canal while Dyer says $5,000
was stolen from her home.
Police are investigating but they have their hands full. These are
three of the most recent in a sting of burglaries and home invasions. Commander
of the Criminal Investigations Branch at Eastern Division – Assistant
Superintendent of Police Julio Valdez says they have suspects but have made
no arrests.
ASP Julio Valdez, CIB
“People broke into that place and they ransacked the area and they
stole certain items, I am not sure what all, but I am pretty sure items were
stolen from the school and we are presently investigating that matter and we
are following some leads we have and that is presently being pursued as we speak.”
Keith Swift,
You believe any of these incidents are related?
ASP Julio Valdez,
“Some not all.”
Keith Swift,
Can you give us an example.
ASP Julio Valdez,
“We believe it is one set is doing the burglaries in Belama and in
the Buttonwood Bay area. We believe one set of people are doing those there.
We have some people in custody and we believe soon we will be able to charge
them and take them to court. Recently we had an increase of burglary reports
or home invasions and that also we are looking into. The matters are under investigation
and we have now recovered some property concerning some of the burglaries and
we are aware of some suspects and we are bringing them in one by one. As a matter
of fact we have some suspects in custody right now where we have recovered some
property that were stolen.”
Keith Swift,
What is your advice to people?
ASP Julio Valdez,
“Well as the last incident that happened when one person knocked on
the door and the guy opened the door and that’s when he was caught. We
are asking that people who are at home to take necessary precautions and don’t
open the door to anyone. As somebody knocks don’t open your door, you
need to know who is out there.”
Valdez says the suspects are known to them but police just haven’t
caught up to them.