18 year old Cameron Blease is dead. He had been on a life support
machine since Christmas night which is when he was shot in front of the Princess
Hotel and Casino on Newtown Barracks along with Jermaine Trapp. Trapp died the
next day but Blease who was shot three times and lost a lung and hung unto life
with the help of that life support machine until yesterday evening around 4.
And though he was only 18, as we’ve reported – Blease is
no stranger to police. In fact less than 10 days before his shooting –
Blease was released from prison where he was remanded for a slew of gun related
charges allegedly committed in July on Sibun Street. And more than that, Blease
was in the news in 2005 when the then 15 year old escaped from prison. So Blease
was young but had a long rap street. And as bad as the law said he was –
he had a family – specifically a mother and an aunt who spoke to us today.
Sheena Courtney, Mother of Cameron Blease
“My son, it doesn’t matter what they say about my son –
he is my son and he is my one and only son. You don’t know how that hurts
my heart, my heart hurts me; I am telling you the God’s honest truth.
It doesn’t matter if they say Cameron bad. If they know my son, everybody
likes my son because my son likes females. He has never disrespected nobody,
nobody so I don’t care what they say. People can always talk bad about
your child but I know my son because if they come and tell me that my son did
this, I will listen to them and I won’t say my son didn’t do it
or my son wouldn’t do that – I know my son. But I always tell them,
they say God gives and God takes but I love my son. He is my only only son so
if they would only know how much they hurt me but we will leave it in God’s
hands. We won’t take no revenge, we won’t take none. I will leave
them to the good Lord, I am telling you.”
Dawna Augustus, Cameron Blease’s Aunt
“He had his good and his bad and not everything they say about him
is bad or whatever they said about him is not always true. But at the end of
the day when you are painted as bad, you are bad in whatever form. We the family
know the good side of him, other people that don’t him will always say
bad stuff about him.
He was a very stubborn child. Whatever he put his mind to do, that is what
he did so that is why he ended up at the boot camp.”
Keith Swift,
What is the one thing you want people to know about nephew?
Dawna Augustus,
“He was a very sweet little boy. If they would know him from he was
a child, you would have known he is a sweet child. Even though he was 18 years
old and had his up and downs with the law, if you get in contact with Cameron,
you would know the sweetness about him.”
A post mortem certified the cause of death as septic shock due to multiple
organ failure. Blease was the target of the Christmas night shooter. Jermaine
Trapp was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. And to put this all in
perspective – the shooter who police shot Jermaine Trapp and Cameron Blease
is only 15 years old.