Municipal elections will be held on the first Wednesday in March –
which is the fourth. That is just over 7 weeks away – and better late
than never, the PUP launched its City Council slate publicly today. The group
of mostly newcomers is led by Cecil Chubby Reneau – a lifetime educator,
now retired, who was once Chief Education Officer. Now, we’ve always known
Reneau as a mild-mannered, easygoing man, whose social bearing was dwarfed by
his imposing stature. But, seems things have changed, the man who still likes
to be called “Chubby” is not so chubby anymore, but his presence
was made large by bursts of political thunder, fire and brimstone, PUP style
when he met us on Albert Street.
Cecil Reneau, PUP Candidate for Mayor
“Over three years of mismanagement, no vision, self aggrandizement.
I am a humble man. I am not an arrogant person and that is what I will offer
my people.”
Jules Vasquez,
Anthony Michael sorry talked a good talk as well but he got crushed.
Cecil Reneau,
“Now you want to know why I won’t be crushed.”
Jules Vasquez,
I am asking you.
Cecil Reneau,
“The people know me. They know I have given 34 years of my life to
public service.”
Jules Vasquez,
Are you concerned that the city may want a municipal government that is able
to work with the central government which most rational people would conclude
is a better way to get more for the city if you have UDP UDP?
Cecil Reneau,
“That may be common reasoning but we have done this before. We had
a PUP City Council before and a UDP central government.”
Jules Vasquez,
With only seven weeks to go before the election, is it too late to convince
Cecil Reneau,
“It is never too late because we will work, we will work, we will
work, and I have an honest team. I have the best team and it is the best team
that will win.”
Jules Vasquez,
Now I know we had run a story sometime ago where you had been in a situation
because of your health. Are you well enough to run for Mayor, to do all the
Cecil Reneau,
“Now when you talk about health, I was ill but people get ill and
die everyday. I am alive and well talking to you today.”
Jules Vasquez,
You talk a good talk Chubby but it is a very real field out there.
Cecil Reneau,
“If you say I talk a good talk, I will also walk the good walk. As
a child of light, we will bring light to the city.”
Jules Vasquez,
Are you prepared to live up to the expectations that voters have of the Old
PUP, that when PUP come around, money will roll?
Cecil Reneau,
“The people expect better management, they want a humane government,
it needs new city leadership – I am not a wealthy man so I will give hope.”
Eustaquio “Ernesto” Torres, Candidate for Councillor
“They went to a vote and it was felt that Chubby, we would be better
off with Chubby as the Mayoral candidate and then when we win I will have more
time working with the Traffic. I will spend more time just dedicating myself
to the traffic.”
Jules Vasquez,
So were the PUP to win you would be councillor with responsibility for traffic?
Eustaquio “Ernesto” Torres,
“I believe it would be so. We have no other solution – I am
the only solution for traffic right now I guess.”
Jules Vasquez,
That’s very presumptuous, to speak of
having a portfolio in your picket
going into the election.
Eustaquio “Ernesto” Torres,
“It is like a portfolio waiting for me, yes. It was designed for me.”
Marvin Ottley, Candidate for Councillor
“I believe this is the perfect time and opportunity for me. I have
served this city in all the community areas, in all the social work, and I believe
now would be a good time to lift up the city based on all the crimes and the
garbage situation, the streets, the drains. I think this is the perfect time.”
Jules Vasquez,
Zenaida Moya is considered politically powerful. Are you at all intimidated
by the fact that you’re going up against what many would say is one of
the most formidable politicians in Belize?
Roberto Ortiz, Candidate for Councillor
“No doubt she is very strong however we believe we have a solid team
because we have ourselves gathered very good candidates who bring honesty, who
bring dedication, who these have failed miserably.”
Bobby Cadle, Candidate for Councillor
“Look at the conditions of the city right now, the potholes and not
just north side or south side, the whole city on a whole. So as a team we have
to attack his problem, first win the City Council election with the good help
of Mr. Chubby Reneau’s leadership and also we have people with different
skills who can apply their knowledge so that we can uplift this city.”
Jules Vasquez,
Now you shouldn’t ever be penalized for the sins of our youths but I know
that four years ago you and I were on the same street walking towards Said Musa’s
house and you were one of those who initiated the stoning against Said Musa’s
house. How do you reconcile that with the fact that you are now running for
elected office in the PUP?
Bobby Cadle,
“First of all let me correct that issue with you, yes I am a unionist
and I supported my work and my union members 100% and I didn’t went there
stoning no one’s house. I went there with the bullhorn demonstrating because
I believe if you need to do something, you take it by the horn and deal with
the matter. So please, that was the past – we are dealing with different
issues now, we are dealing with how to run the city the proper way.”
Jules Vasquez,
40% of the electorate, 39% still voted for Said Musa’s PUP. Do you think
they will have a problem supporting you knowing that at least you protested
in front of the former Prime Minister’s house?
Bobby Cadle,
“Mr. Vasquez, all I can say on that matter is that I am a man that
supports my convictions. Once there is wrong I will try to do my best to correct
that wrong.”
Jules Vasquez,
I thought you left the Belize Times because there was some old guard-new guard
Alberto Vellos, Candidate for Councillor
“Jules I am a PUP and I am a PUP that believes in the philosophy of
serving the people, not serving self or serving special interests. I don’t
believe in greed and corruption, I am a part of the PUP that wants better for
this city and that is why I am here.”
Jules Vasquez,
Do you support unequivocally the leadership of John Briceno?
Alberto Vellos,
“I support the leadership, the new leadership of this PUP.”
Jules Vasquez,
Is this PUP slate strong enough, well known enough to topple, to capitalize
on those vulnerabilities?
Alberto Vellos,
“There are seven weeks left for the election but this administration
at City Hall has been stumbling for three long years Jules; three years of mismanagement.
Three long years that we now know of greed and corruption; three long years
of incompetence. It is not seven weeks, let’s look at the three years
that have gone by and would you vote for a council that doesn’t clean
your street, that doesn’t pick up the garbage, that doesn’t clean
your drain – why would you do that. We have already made a commitment,
this is not for money. We will cut our stipends, cut our salaries, this is not
for the money. That money that they have been taking, we will put it to good
use and the people will see.”
Dorla Vaughn, Candidate for Councillor
“I will work endlessly and bring victory with me and my colleagues.”
Jules Vasquez,
Are you at all intimidated by the fact, I know Mr. Finnegan is the Mesop. Area
Representative and while general and municipal elections are different, we know
he controls that area and that is the area you will be representing. Are you
concerned that when he says unu noh vote fi Dorla that that has a big effect
in that neighbourhood?
Dorla Vaughn,
“Well I was born in Mesop., I’ve lived in Mesop all my life,
I will die in Mesop – so he can say anything. The people in Mesop know
me and know what I stand for.”
Jules Vasquez,
Mr. Leader of the Opposition it is late, it is seven weeks to the election.
Is this enough time to declare your slate?
Hon. John Briceno, PUP Leader
“Well it is not about a matter of being late, it is about putting
the right team together and today we are presenting one of the best teams to
be able to take back this city. And yes I know that people will say it is important
for us to have a UDP Council because there is a UDP central government but look
at the record. One year later what benefits have Belize City gotten because
there is a UDP central government? This street right now that we are standing
on, it took them almost a year to pave two streets. Look at Battlefield Park,
this is a historic park that these people went and just destroyed and are now
forcing vendors to move into a small area where the area, they don’t even
have enough space for them to operate. And it is time for us to put qualified
people, people that are prepared to work for the city and to make the city a
city that we could all be proud of.”
Jules Vasquez,
Now this Sir is not your city, and I am not being insulting, it is all of our
city as citizens of Belize, but you are not from this city. Why is it that your
two deputies who are from this city are not out here right now today?
Hon. John Briceno,
“I think what is important is that as a Belizean, I also need to be
concerned about what happens in Belize City.”
Jules Vasquez,
But Sir respectfully, where are your deputies- that is the question I asked.
Hon. John Briceno,
“Don’t you think that is a question you need to ask them?”
It was later clarified by the party Chairman that through an oversight
– Deputy Leaders Espat and Hyde had not been invited to participate in
the City walk-through. Espat today told us that he supports the slate and would
have been present had he been told about it. He says he will be campaigning
in his division with Albert candidate Jackie Welch.