There’s a global economic crisis and Belize has not been spared.
From record high inflation to record drops in tourism arrivals the hurting has
been felt all over. But with the end of the fiscal year at the end of March,
government says that it will still pull out a 2.8% growth in GDP. But that doesn’t
mean that all is fine and well with government’s finances. It still has
to finance a sizeable deficit and at his quarterly press conference today –
the Prime Minister said his government has to turn to Taiwan.
Hon. Dean Barrow, Prime Minister
“The overall fiscal deficit, the EIU notwithstanding, is projected
to be 0.7% of GDP, almost identical to that of the previous fiscal year.”
And in the previous fiscal year, Taiwan provided deficit financing, $50 million
worth. Where will that come from this year?
Jules Vasquez,
Have you discussed financing for the deficit?
Hon. Dean Barrow,
“To some extent. There are no secrets here, again our go to guy is
Taiwan. Last year we got $50 million; we’re certainly not going to get
that this year and what we got last year, we got by way of a grant. There’s
basically a four year loan program for budget support that we are looking at
with them. What we want to do initially is working out at $25 million per year
but we’re proposing to front end that. Because there’s a particular
hurdle to be overcome next year, we will take some of the monies for the succeeding
years upfront this year so that as of now we are looking at not less than $40
million. It looks as though it would have to be by way of a loan, as opposed
to the $50 million in grant last year but it beats nothing to hell. What I have
set out, I have indicated to the Ambassador, represents for us a minimum position.
Now, understand that we can’t really leverage these people because it
is their money.”
Still Barrow was upbeat about economic performance with a projected overall
2.6% GDP growth.
Hon. Dean Barrow,
“All in all, comparatively speaking, I think Belize did well in 2008.
Now of course there are serious problems facing us in 2009. Food prices are
moderating and oil prices are certainly not expected to go back to any thing
like the highs of 2008. Thus inflation will fall by about half. For the current
year it is six point odd percent. Inflation over the next year, we expect it
will fall by about half.”
But there has also been a fall in revenue from taxes on petroleum, a $17 million
shortfall. Government will borrow its way out of trouble.
Hon. Dean Barrow,
“The great economist John Maynard Keyes preached a doctrine that suggested
government could avoid or deal with recessions by running deficits and borrowing
when the economy slows because the private sector investment then will simply
not be enough. Well as Richard Nixon I believe once famously said, we are all
Keynesians now. That Keynesian playbook especially includes accelerated spending
programs and other economic stimuli.”
And that stimuli will come from two hundred million dollars in concessionary
loans that the government will access.
Hon. Dean Barrow,
“In order to get us through the externally imposed constraints, we
can and certainly will borrow concessionally from the international financial
institutions, the multi-lateral financial institutions. And when I calculate
it, we’re looking at around $200 million to be accessed by us from the
international community in this current year. That then is our version of the
stimulus package that of course so many very countries in the world are resorting
to. This will increase employment, pump money into the economy, and create the
rising tide designed to float all boats even at time of recession.”
That stimulus package of concessionary loans will include US$60 million
from the IDB for tourism development and solid waste management; $30 million
from the CDB for the restructured DFC; ten million dollars for upgrading of
drainage in Belama and the adjoining sections of the Northern Highway; ten million
as well for the flood affected Western Highway; $30 million for urban renewal
in Belize’s towns; $20 million from the CARICOM Petroleum Fund, $10 million
from the IMF for unconditional balance of payments support related to flood
damages; and ten million from the Commonwealth Debt Initiative.