7 News Belize

PUP's Old & New Guards Merge
posted (April 27, 2009)

In March of 2008 when he was elected the PUP’s new party leader, John Briceno’s slogan was “Tek back wi party.” Well, on Saturday after a PUP National Party Council Meeting where the Musa and Price’s Old Guard and Briceno’s New Guard seemed to have made an alliance, the slogan may as well have been,” Give back di party.” That’s right, the differences between the two guards seem to have been ironed out on Saturday – and insiders say, it’s because Briceno’s leadership is under challenge from Deputy Mark Espat.

Both sides courted the old guard for support, but it seems Briceno won out, and much of that may have to do with timing. As we’ve been reporting from the start of Mr. Musa’s trial in December, the former PUP leader has not had any political cover from his party. His judicial review went to court today – and Briceno offered him that cover he’s been missing. Here’s how it played out today.

Jules Vasquez Reporting,
Old Guard supporters were very visible at the Supreme Court today– and past leaders Said Musa and George Price arrived in the same vehicle. But those weren’t the only PUP leaders there – for the first time , present leader John Briceno showed up at court backed by his Secretary General Servulo Baeza and later on his brother Jaime showed up.

It is indicative of a truce between the Old and New Guards that was made official on Saturday at the National Party Council at Independence Hall when Briceno told supporters to go to the Supreme Court on Monday to support the former Prime Minister. Price’s presence at that meeting made it clear that Briceno had the Old Guard’s support –making clear the terms of the quid pro quo: give Musa mass party backing, and the old guard will stand by Briceno against aspiring Deputy Mark Espat.

But today’s showing was hardly worthy of a mass party. In fact when we saw this very meagre crowd in the park it didn’t even look like a third party – making it clear that while Briceno got his quid, which was the Old Guard’s support against Mark Espat – the Old Guard hardly got their quo, which was political cover from a mass party.

Couple that with the fact that only two parliamentarians and no prominent executive members were in court – and it’s clear that – for the time being at least – this re-merging of the old and new guards has sputtered: And while that’s our interpretation based on political intelligence, Briceno says he knows of no such thing.

Hon. John Briceno, PUP Leader
“I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. I mean what we’ve said all along is we have to ensure that the former Prime Minister gets a fair trial and the events over the past months have been very troubling, not only for us in the party for all Belizeans across the country because obviously there has been a lot of interference from the government and in a case even the Chief Justice has chided the DPP for her actions.”

Jules Vasquez,
But have you remerged, have the Old Guard and the New Guard remerged? I was there are the CPC on Saturday and it sounded like you all were very close; you said come out and support the former Prime Minister – touch one, touch all.

Hon. John Briceno,
“What we have said is that this party has to stand up for everybody and that there are many cases where this government has been taking advantage of many poor Belizeans. We have hundreds of cases of problems with lands where the Minister of Natural Resources have been going after them. We’re preparing many cases, both in the north in Corozal, in Orange Walk, in Cayo, here in Belize City, and we are going to stand up for everybody. It is time for this party to stand up as a party to defend all Belizeans.”

Notably, key members of Briceno’s executive including national campaign manager Eamon Courtenay and of course, Deputies Hyde and Espat were not at Saturday’s meeting. The list of executive absences today were so plentiful, that it would be best to say that only a couple of the over twenty executive members showed up at court.

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