7 News Belize

....And Automatic Voucher Tickets for Graduating Standard 6 Students
posted (May 7, 2009)

But the structural upgrade wasn’t the only good news delivered to the children and their parents especially those students who will be moving on to secondary institutions in five months time. Minister of Education Patrick Faber told the standard six students about what they are doing to facilitate them to get a high school education as so many families due to lack of finances are unable to provide their children with the opportunity.

Hon. Patrick Faber, Minister of Education
“Well the good news is that our government has recognized that for the southern part of our country, that is for Stann Creek and Toledo, that there is a greater need and we are making the subsidy automatic for students from the Stann Creek and Toledo Districts. This means Mr. Principal that at the time of your graduation, every single child who is participating in that graduation ceremony will receive the voucher ticket for his or her $300 to a high school that accepts him or her. And I know what you’ll say, fine all of us now have some financial way of getting to it but what about the space. A part of the program is for us to construct a high school, a proper high school building at Georgetown, an area that serves many of us and we are constructing an additional high school here in the Toledo District in Corazon Creek to accommodate for greater numbers of you who will now decide to go to high school.”

Meanwhile the four new primary school buildings were built at a cost of one point five million dollars. More than half of the funding was provided by the Social Investment Fund through the Government of Belize. Other assistance was given by the European Union Support Programme, Project Implementation Unit.

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