7 News Belize

Delford Slusher Walks Free from Murder Rap
posted (May 13, 2009)

In December of 2006, 24-year-old fisherman, Jose Noe Barrow was gunned down in the Conch Shell Bay area of Belize City. Two men were originally charged for his murder Delford Slusher and Ricardo Cassanova. Last year Cassanova was set free on a nolle pros and today, 27 year old Slusher got off the same way.

The matter had already been committed to the Supreme Court for trial and in front of Justice Herbert lord at the Supreme Court, Casanova was told he was free from the charge due to insufficient evidence against him. Delford Slusher waster no time and left the courtroom. The reason given for this nolle pros according to the DPP office is that the police could not locate their main witnesses. Such a case can be brought back at any time if the witness or new evidence is found.

That witness had told police that Slusher and Casanova were at his home before the murder discussing some drugs that they had found at sea and that Barrow was holding it for them. Later, the witness said he heard the three men arguing about the drugs; he claims Barrow pulled a gun and shot at them, but missed. This witness told investigators that Slusher then pulled out his gun and shot Barrow. A post mortem later confirmed that he had been shot 5 times, 4 times to the chin area and once to the head.

And while that was what the statement said, in court today that evidence was not produced or defended as the witness did not appear.

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