7 News Belize

Weight Loss Miracle of a Balloon in Your Belly
posted (June 3, 2009)

There are no definitive statistics on obesity in Belize, but ask any doctor or nutritionist, and they’ll tell you it’s on the rise – even in children. And while we’ve shown you how diet and exercise can generate weight loss and create overall fitness, it’s not that easy for everyone. Some who have battled obesity for decades may have metabolic resistance to weight loss or may be so obese that exercise is not an option. Some choose drastic measures like the irreversible gastric bypass surgery. But that’s not available in Belize and can result in life threatening complications. But for those who find weight loss hopeless, I found out on Monday that there is a new procedure being performed in Belize that offers the obese a genuine chance for life changing weight loss. Two days ago I met with the third patient to undergo the medical procedure that sort of like putting a balloon in your belly – here’s more.

Jennie Staine, Patient
“Well I am totally determined and before getting here I was talked to and was told all the things I have to do and I am 100% into it and its going to be a new life for me.”

Forty one year old Jennie Staine is the third patient in Belize to undergo a procedure that will not only minimize the amount of food she eats but reduce her body fat considerably - something she has been trying to do on her own without success since she was eighteen:

Jennie Staine,
“I guess it is because of the dieting and then you go back to do your normal thing and you gain the weight again so it is a rollercoaster of battling with weight.”

The procedure is called bio-enteric introgastric balloon placement or BIB. The patient swallows the balloon which is wrapped in a tubular latex material like this. It’s not easy to swallow and there is some discomfort but the uneasy feeling doesn’t last long. Once it’s anchored in the top portion of the stomach the balloon is inflated with a saline solution which doesn’t allow the patient to consume any major particles of food. So if Jennie decides to cheat and she eats more than what the stomach can accommodate her body will reject it and she will vomit.

Dr. Irvin Gabourel, Endoscopist - Healhtcare Partners Ltd
“The beauty about this is that it is totally reversible. If the patient says after three months or after a day, you know what I don’t want this take it away,’ I can remove it easier than I placed it. So that is the beauty about it. Gastric banding however is irreversible and in many instances fatal.”

The only side effects Jennie may feel is a slight cramping as her stomach gets used to the foreign object. Dr. Gabourel says it is rare for the balloon to burst and if it does the dye in the saline solution will send out the warning.

Dr. Irvin Gabourel,
“The saline solution is mixed with a dye which will allow us and the patient to be aware if that balloon has burst because then the patient starts peeing blue. That hardly happens, in fact I have never heard of a case where the balloon burst because it is made of a silicone material.”

Presently the procedure which is recommended for patients who are over eighteen is presently only offered at Belize Healthcare Partners and performed by gastroenterologist and endoscopist Dr. Irvin Gabourel.

Dr. Irvin Gabourel,
“You have to be careful who you go to, to have this done because it may look easy, you know and as you know guys will appreciate there, when done by people who have experience with it, it is technically very easy. So what we do is we offer the patient a package and that package includes nutritionist’s evaluation, a physiatrist’s evaluation, lab works’ evaluation and of course the placement and eventually removal of the balloon by myself.”

As explained by Dr. Gabourel the procedure which is reversible is one of the safest options available for those persons who have tried to lose weight but had a difficult time achieving their normal body weight.

Dr. Irvin Gabourel,
“Whether it be because you find comfort in eating food, you know a lot of people are under stress and they binge on food than; that is a way how they manage their stress. Some people have low self-esteem and they eat and they find comfort in eating and then it does create pleasure, that’s one of the pleasurable things in life.”

But being overweight can lead to all kinds of medical ailments like what happened to Jennie Staine.

Jennie Staine,
“And now at 41 with my type of work I really need to lose weight because my knees, both have surgery already from problems arthritis and stuff and my weight is not helping so I guess now this is the time when I will finally lose some weight.”

However the procedure is only one part of an entire package that Jennie will need to do to help her reach her ideal weight she must also exercise and maintain a good diet. Jennie presently weighs two hundred and thirty one pounds, she would like to lose seventy six pounds.

Jacqueline Godwin,
You’ve been prepped, prepared for this procedure. How nervous are you right now?

Jennie Staine,
“I am not nervous, I am in good hands.”

As Dr. Gabourel gets Jennie ready for the BIB, he relaxes her because she will first need to be fully sedated as Dr. Gabourel does an endoscopy to make sure his patient’s stomach is ready for the main procedure.

Dr. Irvin Gabourel,
“We go all the way to the third portion of the duodenum to check that there is no blockages and no abnormalities and we check the top portion of the stomach to make sure that there are not hernias. We are going to wake her up now.”

Jennie Staine has passed her first test she is now ready for the bio-enteric introgastric balloon placement.

Dr. Irvin Gabourel Speaking Janine
“So remember the second portion, we will wake you up totally and then when you’re fully awake I will make you swallow the tube, it is very easy. I will have to use my finger and put it here, so please don’t bite my finger because I only have two.”

The procedure only lasts half an hour and then Jennie Staine will be discharged from the hospital and then sent home to start her new life.

Dr. Irvin Gabourel,
“This is the balloon in the greater curvature of the stomach. This is the balloon folded and here the balloon has already been insufflated with saline solution and you can see it is occupying the top portion of the stomach and that will obstruct the package of any food or abundant liquids into the stomach.”

In about one month Jennie Staine should see a drastic reduction in her weight. The balloon will remain inside of her stomach for at least six months but after that she will need to exercise and stay on a good diet to maintain her normal body weight. Of course with all patients, there is always the risk of thinking he or she can lose the weight, take out the balloon and then put it in again. But Dr. Gabourel warns that it’s expensive and that kind of rapid weight fluctuation can have quite the opposite effect on the patient.

Dr. Irvin Gabourel,
“The balloon can be put in as much as nay amount of time but that is the point. We are trying to reduce obesity. In fact people, if they are not careful, and if they don’t go into this diet modification, what will happen is they will have a rebound effect, they will start eating and then it is like the drug addict who was away or the alcoholic who was away from the substance and then all of a sudden they encounter the substance after being away from it, and you tend to overdose yourself. No difference here, you will then not binging but gluttony will take over.”

Of course in a month’s time 7News will check back with Jennie Staine to see how she is doing with her weight loss, exercise and diet. Reporting for 7News Jacqueline Godwin.

The entire package can costs between five to seven thousand dollars and while it is not covered by insurance in Belize, Belize Health Care Partners does offer a payment plan to patients.

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