An early morning brawl in the city has left one man seriously hurt
and another man facing serious charges. Conrad Ramos and Gerald Westby allegedly
had an argument around 7 this morning in front of a jewellery store on Cemetery
Road. During that argument Westby allegedly pulled out a knife and stabbed Conrad
Ramos in the chest. Michael Young watched it unfold and he told us what happened.
Michael Young, Witnessed Stabbing
“Something gone on with him when the guy was in front of the Chiney.
He got off his seat and went over to the next Chiney. Something gone on between
them and suddenly they were in the middle of the street and I saw like he shoved
the guy but he didn’t shove the guy, he juked the boy and the boy run
to me.”
Keith Swift,
“Do you know what the argument was about?”
Michael Young,
“That was their argument, that was their thing. When I looked on him,
I didn’t believe, but when I looked at him when he stood on the wall next
to me, I saw blood I said oh hell, the man got juked under his heart for true.”
Jose Martinez, Area Resident
“When I came out on the verandah he was already lying down and it
took maybe about two minutes after I walked in that I saw he was lying face
down. The police came, called the ambulance. About 5 minutes after the ambulance
was already here but because of, due to the traffic at that time of the day,
he was still moving when they put him into the pickup but I guess he got there
too late. But it is usually because of the drinking they have here because these
guys like to drink from like 5 in the morning right in the front so I guess
it was a drunk dispute that actually caused the problem.”
Keith Swift,
“Was ‘Big Man’ drunk?”
Michael Young,
“I wouldn’t say drunk, he was high. You don’t know what
is drunk?”
When we checked on Conrad Ramos, he was undergoing surgery. Gerald
Westby is detained pending charges.