Yesterday morning, performers from all across the world got together
at the same time in their own countries and sang “All You Need Is Love”
– a Beatles Song. Their performances were combined into a global webcast.
The idea was to weave all thee disparate threads to come up with a single, unique
rendition – reflective of each country, and each performer’s unique
style and harness that collective vision for a worthy cause – in this
case, charity. Leslie Jenkins who you may recall from the Next LevelPproject
did the honours in Belize and Brent Toombs from Oxa Productions filmed and streamed
it. Here’s more.
Brent Toombs, Oxa Productions
“Belize participated in a global sing-along that was sponsored by
Starbucks as a effort to help combat Aids and HIV in Africa and a local performer
Leslie Jenkins representing Belize and it went off really well. We connected
via the internet from the Southern Foreshore, just outside the Bliss and went
live to the world along with somewhere between 190 and 200 other countries.
And if you were passing by it looked pretty low-key, it was just one camera,
one microphone, but it was part of a much large global event.”
James Sanker from the Belize Music Agency was the musical director.
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