Over time, both Barry Bowen and Michael Ashcroft have made no secret of their
dislike for Manuel Esquivel’s style of Governance between 1993 and 1998
– and it’s also widely knows that they did all they could to get
him ejected from office in 1998. But tonight those two – who are also
two of the richest men to hold a Belizean passport – share a very high
honour with Esquivel. What’s more Ashcroft, Bowen and Esquivel are now
the only three Belizeans to share that honour.
Scratching your head? You should be because in the post colonial era –
the abbreviation KCMG is slightly arcane. It means "Knights Commander of
the Order of St Michael and St George" and in Belize it is the most senior
appointment in the queen’s honour system bestowed upon persons other than
Belizean Governors-General. In plainest terms, it is a higher honor than a regular
Lord Michael was appointed in the year two thousand, Sir Barry in 2008, and
now Sir Manuel is the first KCMG to be appointed by the Barrow administration.
He is appointed for services to political and good governance.
He is joined on the list of Queen’s New Years honours honor by an old
Cabinet Colleague of his Henry Young who received the honour of CBE –
Commander of the Brtish Empire. The OBE honors list includes Reverend Charles
David Goff of the Methodist Church, and Romel Perdomo, while the MBE honors
go to Eulogio Cano, Antonio Duncan McPherson, Kenneth Wilfred Morgan, known
to radio listeners as DJ Morgan, Philip Norman Timmons and former UDP Area Representative
Sam Rhaburn.