7 News Belize

Kareem Bowen Remanded for Attack on Crippled Teen
posted (January 7, 2010)

On Wednesday we reported that twenty five year old Kareem Bowen is one of two men who stabbed and robbed eighty dollars disabled nineteen year old Kenrick “Bolo” Augustus. Well today Kareem Bowen as scheduled was arraigned in number six Magistrate’s Court for the charges of wounding and robbery.

Although Kareem Bowen was positively pointed out by the victim in an ID parade at the Queen Street Police Station the accused pled not guilty. The prosecution objected to bail being offered on the grounds that the offence of robbery has become prevalent and that Augustus is handicapped and Bowen might intimidate him. The prosecution also reminded the court that in another incident a bench warrant had to issued to Kareem Bowen because he failed to appear in court for an offence he had been charged for.

Magistrate Sharon Frazer upheld the objection and Kareem Bowen was remanded to Belize Central Prison until February nineteenth when he is scheduled to reappear in court. The second suspect remains at large. The victim Kenrick Augustus who has cerebral palsy was knifed several times causing injuries to his left wrist, right middle finger and neck. There were also several gashes to the face and legs as a result of him being dragged along the street and into an alley.

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