7 News Belize

12 Year Old Boy Drowns in Belize New River
posted (January 11, 2010)

The Belize New River is one of the longest and most trafficked waterways in Belize; and that’s because it leads to Lamanai Mayan site. But the villagers who live along the river also use it plentifully and that’s where a Guinea Grass father and his two sons got into terrible trouble yesterday. They braved rough waters because they had to; the family depends on firewood and every weekend the father and his sons go and get it. But yesterday, things went wrong in the worst way. Jacqueline Godwin went north to find out more.

Elias Vicente Reynoso, Father of Drown Victim
“It happen too quick it. It didn’t give me time to…I had just had to grab my child and try to fight as hard as I can to take him out to the edge. But the real thing is that I didn’t accept if this is reality or just a dream for me.”

Elias Vicente Reynoso is struggling to accept the reality that his twelve year old son Alex Reynoso is dead. At one thirty this afternoon, the teenagers’ body was discovered lying on the bottom of the New River. In the same location where his family’s canoe capsized around two on Sunday afternoon

From all accounts what happened 6 miles up the New River can only be described as a freak accident but a tragic one that took the life of 12 year old Alex Reynoso. Elias Vicente Reynoso, fourteen year old Emmanuel Reynoso and twelve year old Alex Reynoso had left their residence in guinea grass village situated in the Orange Walk District to collect firewood…a chore the father and his teenaged sons did every weekend.

Elias Vicente Reynoso, Father of Drown Victim
“I went to cut some fire wood and returning home, the boat capsized. The only thing I can do to hold my son and take him to shore. But I couldn’t manage to take him and I did whatever I could to save my son. I couldn’t reach the shore because I was wearing work clothes, rubber boots and that is what took me down. My eldest son who knows how to swim made it to shore. I was trying to help my other son, I do not have enough words to express myself. God knows what he did. He gave me my sons and he took my son away from me.

But I did not expect this to happen. My youngest son did not know how to swim, he got frightened. He knew a little bit how to swim but he got frightened. He got desperate and my son could not do anything.”

Today we found a team from the Belize National Coast Guard and villagers diving for the young man’s body. Weather conditions and a wide body of area to search made the recovery difficult. According to Lt. Greg Soberanis, Operations Manager of the BNCG - there was poor visibility underwater as the divers could not see beyond the length of their arm.

Lt. Greg Soberanis, Operations Manager – BNCG
“The current is not that strong at this time but the water is extremely cold, we’ve tremendous support from the residents and community of Guinea Grass.”

And it was that community spirit that kept Elias Reynoso calm under much distress as he prayed for his son’s body to be found.

Elias Vicente Reynoso,
“But I feel happy I have friends helping me find my son, all the guys are here helping me to find the body of my son. All I know is that he is dead but at least I want to find his body.”

According to Elisa Reynoso from what he remembers on their way back from cutting and loading the firewood in the canoe, the water was rough and as they crossed the New River he slowed down the vessel but as the bow of the canoe dipped a wave crashed onboard causing the small vessel to turn over. According to Elisa Reynoso he does not believe the canoe was overloaded. He says the cargo was light and there were only three of them in the boat. But one disturbing revelation is that there were no life vests onboard. The father says because it was a routine activity it never thought that such an accident would have occurred.

Elias Vicente Reynoso,
“The truth is that I was very careful and we had none. I took good care of them and I was very vigilant I took my time coming down but I did not expect this to happen and this is what happened. No one was in the area to help. I did not have too much load and I do not know how this happen because the boat was not overfull.”

Today the Belize National Coast Guard cautions all those venturing out on the water to make sure their vessels are properly equipped with life vests to avoid such tragedies.

Lt. Greg Soberanis,
“We definitely encourage people who use our waterways to always think safety first. Sometimes it is not always on our minds, because it is a way of life we do things and it becomes the norm but safety is always a factor that must be considered when operating in our waterways.”

Alex Reynoso was also not a good swimmer. His body now awaits a post mortem examination at the morgue at Northern Regional Hospital. Reporting for 7News Jacqueline Godwin.

The Reynoso family would also like to thank Errol Cadle the owner of Lamanai Eco Tours who provided the boat and resources to make the search and recovery possible.

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