7 News Belize

Disciples of Discipline
posted (January 11, 2010)

There is no shortage of karate schools in Belize - in fact there are about 5 just in Belize City. But a new one opened its doors on January 2nd - it is the House of Shotokan. It is one more dojo which is promising a positive alternative for children and adults. Our team was there on Saturday for a special training session.

Keith Swift Reporting,
It was training camp inside the House of Shotokan for the 25 students – ranging in ages from 4 to 13 – who spent their Saturday morning doing gruelling rounds of sit ups…push-ups…and jumping jacks. But this wasn’t a fitness class – this was karate.

Tanya Kelly, Sensei - House of Shotokan
“This one has a little of everything, that is why it is called the Way of the Indomitable Spirit because it has a variety. It is four in one.”

Sensei Tanya Kelly says the most important lesson in the class is discipline.

Tanya Kelly,
“Discipline is really important because we need to install in our kids from young that they need to be disciplined so that they will be to carry out throughout their lives and be disciplined in work, in school, to be able to perform to their ability and beyond.”

And that is why Suzette Tillett first signed up her 13 and now her 5 year old son.

Suzette Tillett, Mother of Students
“The main reason is the discipline and the other reason is it teaches them from a young age to have a healthy lifestyle because they keep active. They love it. The older one he loves it, he has been in the class now for a couple of years and the baby he just started so he is excited to come to class. Actually the baby saw his bigger brother doing it for a couple of years so he was excited when his age came to do it.”

Kalia and Abraham Teck’s 5 year old daughter Amalia had problems with her motor skills prior to joining the House of Shotokan.

Kalia Teck, Mother of Student
“I noticed that he was a little bit of problem with her motor skills and I thought that this would have been a way to enhance it.”

For Maritza Espat who was looking for an extracurricular activity for her 5 year old son Pedro Espat - karate was the obvious choice.

Maritza Espat, Mother of Student
“From he was even smaller, he enjoyed watching those littler cartoons that were into karate and he said he wanted to do it and I said well if you are interested we will start and if you don’t like you can easily stop but see what it is about first. At first he was a little taken aback by the discipline and training but now he is really into it.

I think it is something that is very beneficial for him to work with people and children and to get that field of what it is to be a part of a team and I noticed that at 5 children tend to be a little fidgety and off the center and need something to focus on and the karate seems to help him focus a little bit more and he has improved a whole lot in paying attention and finding something to do as part of that process for a kid.”

The students train under Sensei Tanya Kelly. She is a third degree black belt with two international championships.

Tanya Kelly,
“The goal of House of Shotokan is to create champions. We have a little motto for the kids that we want to write up there, it says, ‘only champions train here.’ We want to put in their minds that they are champions from now and with that concept in their minds, they will become successful.”

And successful not just in karate – but in life.

Tanya Kelly,
“Many people see it right now, as young as they are, as a sport, something to keep them busy. But in the cognitive mind something is happening. The kids are being developed and when they grow up and start to go to high school and when they move to college, university, they are developing that determination to keep on, to achieve, to be successful, and that is what we want to create in their minds right now.

We are not teaching anybody to fight. We have our principles which are the last ones that you guys heard. Usually we rehearse them at the end of the class, our Dojo Code, the principles of our school. The last one is that you as a karate student do not give the first punch. So with that teaching the principles, we are preparing them. Yes we are teaching them to defend themselves but we are not teaching them to go outside and fight or pick a fight.

We are here to develop young minds and to contribute to society. Our main goal is to go ahead and pursue this so that our kids will become successful and take them away from the street.”

And the House of Shotokan hopes to do that one class and one student at a time.

The House of Shotokan is located on Princess Margaret Drive.

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