7 News Belize

Building Authority Enforcing Building Codes
posted (January 12, 2010)

When most developers in Belize City want to build they get some lightweight clearance and just start going up. It is a fact that buildings have been erected without any consideration for public health and safety much less in conformity with the building standards. Now, standards and codes are being established for the entire Caribbean and Belize is no exception to that initiative. Since the office of the Central Building Authority was established in March of 2009, the CBA, as it’s called, has been meeting to control building operations and eliminate the construction of sub standard housing. Today, 7News caught up with CBA’s Director Paul Satchwell at one such meeting and according to him of greatest concern to them is the adherence to the policies established by the Central Building Authority.

Paul Satchwell, Director – Central Building Authority
“The first you hear is that the poor people can’t afford it. Unfortunately what we are seeing is that the poor people are being affected the most. They are getting substandard houses, they are getting substandard buildings and at the end of the day they invest time and money and they have no recourse once that money is gone because the proper policies were not followed, they did not get a good building, and they are just left without the money and still don’t have a proper building.

It affects everybody but what we are trying to establish or enhance, bring out, is that even for the government, if we get construction done to a higher standard, in times of disaster their responsibility will be less and therefore the financial expense will be less as well.”

Jacqueline Godwin,
“So the whole idea behind the meeting is to get everybody on the same sheet of music?”

Paul Satchwell,
“That is correct.”

Jacqueline Godwin,
“There is uniformity?”

Paul Satchwell,
“We are trying to get the uniformity across the board because it is supposed to be that whatever is required in Punta Gorda is required in Corozal. There should be no different fees, no different standards.”

Jacqueline Godwin,
“So Paul if the standards have been in place for quite some time now, how come people in the local building authorities, those who are charged with the responsibility of constructing buildings have been left on their own to do what they please and do not conform to the standards that have been established?”

Paul Satchwell,
“Well this is one of the responsibilities of the Central Building Authority, to try to ensure that that comes to an end. There are obvious social and political implications, so we don’t want to just come out and ram it down anybody’s throat. It is we believe more in trying to educate rather than police; try to get everybody to see what are the benefits, why is it important that we have this rather than just come out and say do this, do this and break down whatever you don’t do properly.”

According to Satchwell there is progress following every gathering that is held and he expects the same at the conclusion of today’s meeting which is the third of its kind. CBA is optimistic that eventually everybody in the business of construction will be onboard.

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