7 News Belize

Salvation Army Serving the Cold
posted (January 12, 2010)

Earlier on we told you about the record cold – well if it’s cold for you in your home – imagine those that don’t have a home! In the past two days one hundred and seventy of those persons in Belize City have been provided with a hot beverage, food and warm clothing to help them cope with the cold temperatures. The Salvation Army started the drive on Sunday night that took the team of caregivers at locations known to be inhabited by those most in need at this time. Regional Commander Major Brenda Grinage told 7News the nightly hand outs will continue as long as the cool temperatures hold but that they have now run out of some of the much needed supplies and today she appealed for donations.

Major Brenda Grinage, Regional Commander
“When we realized that the temperature really dropped and that it wasn’t going to get any better, it was probably after eight o’clock that we decided that we just have to do something. So we got all the supplies we could together at that time and we made two big pots, one of coffee and the other one of hot chocolate and made some sandwiches and we took to the streets.”

Jacqueline Godwin,
“Were the supplies enough?”

Major Brenda Grinage,
“They were not enough but we stretched them and most of the guys on the street got something. We eventually ran out of sandwiches but everybody that we served got a cup of coffee or hot chocolate.”

Jacqueline Godwin,
“The first night 63 people were served. On Monday night what happened?”

Major Brenda Grinage,
“On Monday night the number grew, I think it is because we started a little earlier and most of them were still out and about and so we reached between 70 and 75 persons then.”

Jacqueline Godwin,
“Unfortunately the cool will remain with us and I understand over the weekend we will have another bout of cold front heading our way. So will this drive continue?”

Major Brenda Grinage,
“It will continue but we will run out of supplies. It would be good if we could get some blankets. Some of these guys are just covered with very thin sheets and I notice that a lot of them are using the cardboard boxes to cover themselves and I don’t think that suffices. So we would really wish that we could get some blankets and would appeal to anybody to chip in and help. It doesn’t necessarily have to be new stuff but things that can be used like jackets so they can bring some additional warmth.”

The donations have been made through personal supplies from members of the Salvation Army and Grace Kennedy Belize Limited. If you have any warm clothing like jackets and vests including blankets to donate towards the Salvation Army’s drive, you can drop off your packages at the Salvation Army Headquarters on Regent Street.

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