7 News Belize

Cabinet News
posted (January 19, 2010)

And though it didn’t make it into that story, in today’s press conference, the PUP also called for the Prime Minister to meet with key stakeholders in the troubled sugar industry. Well, news from Cabinet this evening is that the Deputy Prime Minister and the CEO in the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries met with farmers and BSI representatives on Wednesday. Subsequent to that, on Friday government approved the waiver of Import Duty and General Sales Tax to a maximum of $2.00 per gallon on over one million gallons of diesel fuel to cane farmers. 

And regarding those crushing interest rates, a government release says that government was briefed on, “the reform of monetary policy and the question of interest rates by the Governor of the Central Bank.” Basically as we understand it the Prime Minister tasked the Central Bank to come up with suggestions for strategies or instruments that will produce the lowering of bringing down interest rates

And in other government news, Prime Minister Barrow will leave Belize next week Tuesday to attend the American Foundation for the University of the West Indies (AFUWI) Annual Legacy Awards on Thursday.  The PM will receive the distinguished Legacy Award along with three other Caribbean Prime Minister’s. Champion sprinter Usain Bolt and film-maker Spike Lee will also be honored.

And there’s more news ahead, including another look at the most modern development at the citrus products of Belize – but first, the weather. –

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