Two time Prime Minister Manuel Esquivel is not short of honorifics
before his name: he’s already got Rt. Honourable and an Honorary Doctorate.
Now he’ll have the most prestigious Knight Commander of St. Michael and
St. George which makes him Sir Manuel. Investiture ceremonies were held in an
unusual outdoor setting today at Belize House in Belmopan for Esquivel and eight
other Belizeans bestowed with the Queen’s Honours. Here’s what the
Governor General had to say about Sir Manuel.
Governor General Sir Colville Young,
“Today the queen extends the distinction of knighthood to an already
highly distinguished son of the soil henceforth to be known as Sir Manuel Esquivel.”
Also honoured were Henry Vallan Young Sr. who received the Order of
Commander of the British Empire; Rev. harles David Goff and Romel Perdomo who
received the Order of the British Empire and Member of the British Empire was
bestowed upon Kenny Morgan, Eulogio Cano, Senior, Antonio Duncan McPherson,
Philip Timmons and Sam Rhaburn.