Traffic Manager Blows the Whistle posted (April 29, 2010) Last night we showed you the bulletproof Land Cruiser that Customs had impounded a few weeks ago. That luxury SUV had a Belize City license plate and registration – both fraudulently obtained.
Now, as long as there are stolen vehicles that need licenses – there will be corruption at the Traffic Department. After all, the SUV's are valued in the tens of thousands of dollars – and with a little grease here and there – illicit vehicles can get any kind of license that the owner wants.
It's been happening, but tonight there is a disturbing report from the manager of the department himself – that it continues to happen and he can't do anything about it. We sought out Kevin Jenkins for comment today on the Land Cruiser and he told us that's just the break he's been waiting for.
Jules Vasquez Reporting
This bulletproof Land Cruiser VX was corruptly licensed in Belize City. It was stolen from Guatemala, never paid duty, never even had a customs entry. Traffic Manager Kevin Jenkins says his department is responsible.
Kevin Jenkins, Traffic Manager, Belize City Council
"I came and checked it this morning and yes that vehicle did license with us. It license from 2006. However, the Council had dismissed some employees and transferred some employees within that same time for practices like that - licensing of stolen vehicles."
And while you might thing that the traffic department's manager would be embarrassed to admit that his department corruptly licensed stolen vehicles, he's not – matter of fact, he's relieved – even as it comes at the same time he's mourning his father's passing.
Kevin Jenkins, Traffic Manager, Belize City Council
"When I see di vehicle on the news last night, I said this is my opportunity. And this happened in 6:30 news, and my father died about 1:30 this morning and I said, you know what, I still need to come and do my part because from 6:30 when I saw the news, I said I have to do my part. This is my opportunity now to bring up my situation."
And his situation is dire - because the practice of licensing stolen vehicles continues, with his knowledge, and the knowledge of his superiors.
Kevin Jenkins, Traffic Manager, Belize City Council
"I still am having the same occurrence with my staff, licensing of stolen vehicles, still up to today day."
Incredibly, Jenkins says he's a hostage to politically favoured – though apparently corrupt – employee or employees that he just can't get rid of.
Jules Vasquez
" This person or persons are still being employed then, at the Traffic?"
Kevin Jenkins, Traffic Manager, Belize City Council
"Yes, one of the officers, the employee, was dismissed for doing illegal stuff, I would say, and upon his dismissal, we still find paperwork, proof, that this officer is involved in these kinds of vehicle transactions. And about a week, 2 to 3 weeks [ago], I was informed that the employee will be re-hired. They still hire back the person knowing that we are still finding more stuff on this person."
Jules Vasquez
"So, someone was knowingly re-hired who had been terminated for dishonesty, for misconduct?"
Kevin Jenkins, Traffic Manager, Belize City Council
Jules Vasquez
"Why should the Traffic Dept and the public interest be held hostage to corrupt people who apparently can't be fired?"
Kevin Jenkins, Traffic Manager, Belize City Council
"Well, I believe that is a question for somebody above me to answer."
And in every case, he copied his communications to those persons above him – and when they did nothing this whistle-blower who no one cared to listen to tried to get help from anyone who would listen.
Kevin Jenkins, Traffic Manager, Belize City Council
"That said vehicle that was on the news yesterday was caught, was found, due to where I gave the Customs my database to try assist me in this situation. I even went to DPP office to ask for assistance on how could I address this situation or how could I bring charges against my own employee? And I was informed and I went and I relate to my director and he informed that only the City Administrator could go and make an official complaint to the police."
Only the city administrator can make such a complaint – so Jenkins watched helplessly as a crass corruption unfolded around him and the department. These registration documents duly ratified and issued form the traffic department are all illegally issued to vehicle that did not enter the country legally, did not pay duty, and did not pass through any proper channel at the traffic department. They don't even play for the license plates!"
Kevin Jenkins, Traffic Manager, Belize City Council
"No customs entry. There is no paperwork"
Jules Vasquez
"So how do they do it if there is no paperwork?"
Kevin Jenkins, Traffic Manager, Belize City Council
"Because we believe that the individual that the documentation officer that is involved, the people that are doing the mischief just get them caught up with it, and just bring information to them and they put it in the system, print out their registration, give the people the license plate and stickers. And again, I must say that these license plate and license stickers that these people are getting their registration for these stolen vehicles are not even paid off in the system. So then, the Traffic Dept. still in a way makes no money. They don't even pass it over to the cashier for collection so the cashier doesn't even receive the collection. Nothing like that."
Jules Vasquez
"So it's like someone is running his or her own private operation. They have their own private Traffic Dept within yours. And you cannot fire this person?"
Kevin Jenkins, Traffic Manager, Belize City Council
"Well, these persons."
B>Jules Vasquez
"The disturbing evidence I've seen points to at least one of the vehicle transfer in the name of the dead man, a quite respectable man, a man I knew well, and they also use his driver's license number."
Kevin Jenkins, Traffic Manager, Belize City Council
"Yeah, what happens is that the process is that if you are doing a transfer, you must have some kind of ID that you are this person. However, upon that, like you said, a dead man's name, yes, the man is dead, and the officer is saying that he witnessed this dead man either come into the Traffic Dept and sign that transfer or probably he went to the cemetery to witness that transfer being signed. Either way, he is saying that he witnessed it."
"When these transactions happened in October-November, we have the government auditors right here. And I had to bring to their attention what is happening in my own place."
Jules Vasquez
"You mean this illicit, completely unregulated licensing was happening here while the auditors were sitting doing an audit and you had to show them...?."
Kevin Jenkins, Traffic Manager, Belize City Council
"While the government auditors were here."
And now, Jenkins hopes that with this public whistle -blowing – he'll be able to put a stop to it.
Jules Vasquez
"Do you realize that by putting yourself out there you are putting yourself up against maybe the political establishment?"
Kevin Jenkins, Traffic Manager, Belize City Council
"Yeah, and I am willing to take that because I won't take no heat for no one. I am not sitting here and saying that Mr. Jenkins is no angel but Mr Jenkins don't deal with no stolen vehicle and I won't entertain that in my place. And the next traffic manager might just cover it up but I will not do that. So if it costs me my job to come out and speak on it, then I must could find a next job somewhere else."
The employee in the documentation department who was alleged to have been licensing the illegal vehicles has been transferred and is now a traffic warden. According to political sources who spoke candidly, he got back his job because he is considered a fierce and relentless campaigner for the UDP.
It is of note that while he was dismissed in connection with two fraudulent licenses that had been granted, while he was on dismissal, two more bearing his signature or a forgery of that signature appeared. The most recent report of a fraudulent license came forward in March. The city administrator had ordered an audit, which to the surprise of no one found that there was fraud in the issuance of licenses. The audit has recommended a disciplinary hearing.
The fraudulent licenses and registration documents Jenkins showed us are for four vehicles. It wasn't detailed in the story, but the fraudulent titles include documents for what appear to be cloned vehicles. That's a very exotic type of fraud, and we'll tell you more about it tomorrow.
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