Whenever you hear the term "charitable trust" - you can trust the Ashcroft Alliance is somewhere in the picture.
And just so today when the Belize Healthcare charitable trust broke ground for the Sanford Children;s Clinic - the only politicians in sight were PUP's - from old gaurdists like Said Musa to his replacement John Briceno.
There was no UDP Minister of Health in sight - but the show went on nonetheless and we were there.
Vinnai Thummalapally, US Ambassador to Belize
â€Investment in the well being of children is literally an investment in the future. A healthy start in life means greater health as a young adult and improved productivity and longevityâ€
And with those fitting words by the United States Ambassador to Belize, the groundbreaking ceremonies to construct the first pediatric medical facility in this country was launched this morning on the grounds adjacent to the Belize Healthcare Partners. The approximately 9,000 square foot facility which will take on the look of a Castle is expected to be completed next Summer 2011 and will be named the Sanford Children’s Clinic,after its benefactor Denny Sanford of the United States.
Dr Dan Blue, President, Sanford Clinic
â€The story starts with a gentleman who I know when we open this place will be here and that is T. Denny Sanford. Denny made a number of transformational gifts to our organization. Denny is a philanthropist who has a special place in his heart for children. He is an investor and he’s made the statement that ;there can be no better investment than an investment in children. Denny gave a lead 16Million dollar gift to Sanford, at that time it was Sud Alley Hospital to build a Children’s Hospital and I think maybe you have seen some pictures around, but we actually designed that in the image of a Castle. It was built in the likeness of a Castle, we refer to it as a Castle of Care."
The castle theme architecture provides for a positive healing effect while lessening the pain and negative feelings associated with illness thereby creating a distraction for the children. This first international clinic of its kind is expected to serve Belize well. Its not only going to improve and provide quality pediatric services for Belize’s more than One hundred fifty thousand children, but provide training opportunities for Belizean medical professionals, Doctors, nurses, technicians and administrators.
Today’s groundbreaking ceremony for this multi-million dollar pediatric facility brings renewed hope for a whole new generation of young Belizeans who now have a brighter future. Reporting for Seven News, I’m Jim McFadzean.
The Sanford Children’s Clinic to be located at the corner of Chancellor Avenue and Blue Marlin Boulevard will share space in the building with Belize Healthcare Partners Limited, which will use its portion of the building for outpatient services for adults.