7 News Belize

PM to Mayor Moya Flowers: “It’s Probably For The Best”
posted (May 26, 2010)
In 2005, the then Zenaida Moya burst onto the political scene as the genuine article, a figure who'd earned her public credibility on the frontlines, battling the Musa Administration in the troubles of 2005. She joined the UDP in September of 2005 as a powerhouse candidate for Mayor - and was swept into power in 2006 as the City's first female mayor with unrivalled popular acclaim and bulletproof party support.

But in less than five years, how things have changed.....Moya was expelled from her party on Friday, the culmination of years of discord with the party brass and the party leader himself.

That came powerfully to head on October First 2009 when the mayor, facing criminal charges for the mismanagement of city funds raged against her party leader in an explosive interview. The UDP found that she had implied that the PM has "sicced" the DPP after her - which would be unlawful. That was the basis of the charge against her and the Ethics Committee found her guilty of making an untrue suggestion of misconduct against the party leader. That was the basis for her expulsion and today the PM said, it was never personal, but like most relationships gone awry, it's probably for the best:

PM Dean Barrow
"The Party was not able to take into account at all the criminal charges against her. The Party could only act on basis of what she said about me which was more than a insult. I was accused of having perverted the course of justice. That as I understand it formed the basis of the proceedings."

Jules Vasquez
"Is it for you a desirable outcome as leader that Zenaida Moya no longer be a part of the UDP? With what certain members of the Party seem to feel to be her known transgressions?"

PM Dean Barrow
"I believe that for some time now the paths have diverged. I believe that for some time now the Mayor has been going in a different direction from the Party and I had not seen anything that suggested reconciliation was possible. Presumably, if there can be evidence produced of a genuine earnest desire to begin to act in a way that's consistent with the principles of the Party, to begin to subject herself to Party discipline, to begin to adhere to Party principles, it may not be too late. If that doesn't happen then I would have to say that the decision is as it should be."

Jules Vasquez
"Will the party be instructing the councilors who remain UDP's - all ten - will it be instructing them to treat her as might be said in court, a 'hostile witness?' To treat her as an adversary, as an opposing party within the Council's affairs?"

PM Dean Barrow
"Not at all. The idea is for all of them to in fact discharge their mandate which is to act in the best interest of the people of the City."

Mayor Moya-Flowers has 30 days to appeal the decision of the Ethics Committee to the National Party Council. There is no indication that she will or won't do that. It is notable that The Party General who has been the Mayor's only vocal supporter, Michael Finnegan is out of the country recovering from prostate cancer.

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