7 News Belize

No Contract For CJ
posted (June 2, 2010)
Chief Justice Dr. Abdulai Conteh is coming up on retirement - and the prime minister today made it formal and final that he will not receive a contract extension:..

Glen Tillett, Reporter
"Will you renew or extend Dr. Conteh contract as Chief Justice?"

Prime Minister Dean Barrow
"No, it's not a question of a contract it's a question of the Constitution. There is a retirement age and Dr. Conteh reaches that age in August. The Constitution does provide for there to be an extension not withstanding that the age of retirement has been reached. I have discussed matters with the Chief Justice and the answers that we proposed to find a new Chief Justice after Dr, Conteh retires."

Glen Tillett
"In listening to you go over the many details of your plan, I do not think or maybe I am like Jules and wasn't listening carefully, I heard anything regarding public reform or anything to address corruption."

Prime Minister Dean Barrow
"In a sense that last general elections went a long way in doing that. But to the extent that there are still institutional problems and there is no doubt always be, I didn't address those because I have address those in another context, I said at the time of the presentation of the budget and I have said on various occasions thereafter in fact a large section of the budget speech was dedicated to just that. What we are doing with respect to public administration reform particularly in the area of finances. I indicated that we have already gotten the report of a consultant all we need is to draft a legislation to reflect the results of that report which will ensure that any violations of the new amended finance and audit act which we will be passing through parliament and the new finance and stores orders that we will also be putting in place. Any violation of those by any minister or government official would be made liable to criminal charges to criminal prosecution to criminal sanctions."

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