Twenty two year old driver Felix Lino Vargas, who allegedly obtained Four Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty Nine dollars and Thirty One cents worth of fuel by deception from Shell One Stop gas station, was charged with Seven counts of obtaining property by deception and seven counts of uttering a false document when he appeared today in the number five Magistrate's court.
No plea was taken from Vargas. He was released on a bail of Five Thousand dollars, and his case was adjourned until August 4th.
Thirty two year old Margarita Briceno, the Manager of Shell One Stop gas station reported to the police that between Friday, February 23rd, and Tuesday, March 2nd, fourteen fuel orders with the Belize Western Energy Limited logo were submitted to the gas station and fuel was issued for them. She said she checked with BWEL she found out that the fuel orders were not genuine.
Vargas had apparently produced them up on a computer....