In the recently concluded village council elections, we heard plenty about village chairmen and councilors. But those who know politics know that while the chairman gets all the headaches, political insiders know that the real clout in any village is controlled by the chairman of the lots committee. Except in the village of Bella Vista in Toledo where the treasurer of the lots committee is the one giving his Chairman a headache. Salvador Ack - chairman of Bella Vista Lots Committee is accusing the committee's treasurer of "disappearing" twenty one thousand dollars of the committee's cash.
According to police at a meeting on May 6th., Fidel Maradiaga - the treasurer of the Lots Committee handed over the accounts which showed that the total sum received by the committee was forty one thousand, two hundred and eighty two dollars and fifty cents.
Maradiaga presented a statement showing total expenditures of twenty thousand, two hundred and sixty nine dollars and forty cents - leaving a total of twenty one thousand, thirteen dollars and thirteen cents unaccounted for. That money was collected between May 2009 and May 2010 and when Maradiaga could not explain where it went, he was detained by police who today told us they have not finalized the charges against him.