Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie is the supreme, messianic figure in Rastafarian belief. Today is the one hundred and eighteenth anniversary of his birth, and the Rasta United Organization in Belize are celebrating righteously for their living messiah. They've planned a "Selassie I Earth Strong concert" for Sunday and today we spoke to those who organized it about the importance of the observation.
Ras Ruben
"Haile Selasie is our God head or a King so the significance of his earth strong is equivalent to white Christmas society Haile Selassie I is our salvation so his birth date is actually our black Christmas so we hold that sacred in this Rastafari levity so it drives us to celebrate it."
Emaun Hyde
"Bob Marley famously sang Jah no dead and Rastafari lives, explain how that relates to Haile Selassie I and what you all believe of him?"
Ras Ruben
"Well Rastafari dwell right now in Zion Ethiopia 118 we are celebrating earth strong right now. We know the almighty is alive, you probably know someone how is 95 years right now, Jah is only 118 years old but the people, because he does not want to come to the people right now, because of how the people think, you see who control this world right now, it's our arch enemies you understand and they have a hold on us, so Rastafari is not just going to show his face, just like that so he has to dwell in the most sacred of place in society."
Emaun Hyde
"But you do believe that he is alive?"
Ras Ruben
"Of course, i don't believe he is alive, I know Haile Selassie is alive personally."
Ras Fari, Rasta United
"People would say Haile Selasie I died but he is so eternal that he lives in heart of people. Because from 1892 until now people are rejoicing and here I am rejoicing you bless."
The festivities will be at the MCC Tennis court this Sunday July 25th from 4 pm to 10 p.m.