Dara Robinson is no stranger to this newscast; he's on at least four times a year promoting his food drive or the concerts that fund the drive.
Tonight, the story is about distributing the food he has gathered. The community activist turned to some folks he knows are in desperate need and we tagged along:....
Steven Buckley
"It's really important for us because we really don't have it like that. So I really thank him for what he did for us."
It came as a total surprise for 37 year Steven Buckley- when Dara along with the media showed up at his house with a box of assorted food items.
Joel Dara Robinson
"Typical flour, rice, beans, peanut butter, chicken sausage, chop ham, some corn flakes I bring some peanuts and some baby food; I don't know if Mr. Buckley have small kids but he could still mix the milk for the young boys that I see just now. It's just a little hand out."
According to Dara - Buckley wasn't the only one surprised this morning - he was too -after seeing that there wasn't much improvement with Buckley's condition.
Joel Dara Robinson
"I came this morning as part of Dara Cyber Home Theatre and the people of Belize that donate the food and I bring this little amount of food for him but I see where the guy need much more help than just this because you can hear his cry, he have x-ray to get done and I don't understand how they are not stepping on this because this is just one man that survive from a gunshot incident in his head and then he is still punishing."
Monica Bodden
"So this come as a big surprise to you this morning."
Steven Buckley
"It's really a surprise. I really appreciate what he did for me."
Steven Buckley who was shot by police in his head -on April 28th- has not been able to work since then. Additionally the family says it hasn't been receiving any assistance from the Police Department. Today Buckley told us how he puts food on the table for his wife and children.
Steven Buckley
"Every morning I get up and go out there and go through at the back of the market to see what I can hustle from the people there so that I can feed my children. It is not happening at all, really sad what the police did to me, they chanced me."
Monica Bodden
"You try contacting the police?"
Steven Buckley
"We don't really bother them, we just try take it as it is."
Joel Dara Robinson
"I came here but my heart is kinds down because I feel good to give him this but I see where he needs much more help."
The food distribution continued throughout the day as Dara had at least 16 other families on his handout list.
Joel Dara Robinson
"Whole day today this is what I will be doing to at least 14 families. I am moving on my bike and reach out to people I know in need."
Monica Bodden
"Now Dara this is like a tradition, this is something that you have been doing. How do you actually come up with these people on your list?"
Joel Dara Robinson
"From day to day every weekend I have families that would bring their kids to me and my heart gets soft when I know that kids are involved and I would try reach out, I share what I have home sometime because sometime I don't have. This is something I wish I could do all year round because yes it help when I do it but every six months is like, because we deal with people who I know are suffering and many people come to me and give me their stories and I sit down in their house and listen. These are people that I know what is happening to them. I myself grow up a rough life so I know what it is to get a little hand out and what it is to be hungry. Its gives me a great joy, God bless through these same works."
And according to dara - the overall food drive was a complete success.
Joel Dara Robinson
"I had a little bigger barrel this August. I got it full and another one about a quarter. To me the drive is getting bigger and bigger every time I do it because more people are donating. The beauty I like about it is it is not a business, it's just people donating small things that eventually full the barrel."
Robinson plan to do a fundraiser for Buckley at the end of the hurricane season...