Last Friday we reported an unusual burglary which took place at the Corozal Social Security Board's office. Thieves broke into the branch office by prying open burglar bars and jimmying the glass door of the main entrance to the office.
SSB personnel reporting to work that morning discovered that the metal safe where cash and other important items of value are stored was missing.
Well, today Corozal Police are reporting that they have found the safe with most of the missing items.
Acting on a tip, the police visited a cane field on the outskirts of San Andres Village where they found a damaged metal safe pried open, along with 6 assessment books, 9 computerized Belize Bank check books, 1 Purchase Order Fuel Book, 10 Purchase order books, 16 receipt books and 2 computerized SSB check books, all totaling a value of $20, 971.84. The four hundred and thirteen dollars in cash which was in the safe at the time of the burglary has not been accounted for.