Twenty-four year old Leshawn Lino, a mother of three who allegedly stabbed her common-law husband, 24 year old Shamir Henry, to death, was charged with manslaughter when she appeared today in the #2 Magistrate's Court.
Senior Magistrate Sharon Fraser explained to her that she will not take a plea because the offence is indictable. The prosecution didn't object to bail.
Lino, the daughter of a police sergeant, was released on a bail of $7,000. Her case was adjourned until October 22.
The incident occurred around 8:15 p.m on Thursday, September 2 at Lord's Bank. Police investigation revealed that the couple had a dispute which led to an altercation and during the altercation Henry was stabbed nine times in the left lower section of his throat. When the police arrived at the scene they saw Henry lying face down on the ground.
Lino was represented by attorney Carlo Mason.