7 News Belize

Briceno To Be Endorsed As Deputy
posted (September 13, 2010)
Those wishing to offer themselves for executive posts in the PUP at the October convention had until today to submit their names. The entire matrix is unclear at this hour but we do know that John Briceno will be endorsed as leader as no challenger has appeared. In fact, the man who many thought would challenge him for the leader's job - and that is Deputy Mark Espat - will not even re-offer himself as deputy leader, we are told. We expect that same for Espat's allied Deputy Cordel Hyde.

At this hour it is not clear who will fill those vacant seats as Deputy leaders.

We are informed that Fort George Chairman Henry Charles Usher is offering himself for chairman. That is one of the most powerful posts in the party and there's no telling if the incumbent, Carolyn Trench Sandiford will contest a challenge. We are told that consummate PUP insider Luke Espat will also be seeking an executive seat but up to newstime no confirmation was forthcoming.

Indeed, reading the tea leaves at this hour is quite difficult - especially as the chairman told us at 6:00 pm that she had not seen the packages yet, so we'll wait and see what the reading is tomorrow.

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