Last month we reported on 74 year old who was brutally shot to the back of his head and died.
Today - to commemorate the international day for older persons - over one hundred elderly Belizean Citizens marched through the streets of Belize City. But more than commemoration, it was also a subtle protest: to bring attention to crime against older persons.
The march was one of the activities on the agenda for Senior Citizen's week. It started off at the Post Office Parking Lot on North Front Street and culminated at Helpage Belize on Wilson street. Seven News spoke with the Chairman of Helpage Belize - who told us more about this morning's march.
Evan Dakers, Chairman Helpage Belize
"This mornings' march is a part of the celebration activity for Helpage Belize City because Belize City as you all are fully aware have been besotted by a number of serious social issues and one of the major one is crime and violence so what
the members were doing; they had placards and they had various messages that were written on those placards and it cover a wide range of issues including crime and violence, health, the issue of income, security, the need to have respect for older persons so the idea was to give the people in Belize City an idea of what are some of the key issues that affecting older persons and secondly to give the authorities an idea of what these older persons are going thru because these are people who are feeling it as you all say he who feels it knows it, that's what basically happening in terms of the parade this morning."
Monica Bodden
"Was this the first?"
Evan Dakers, Chairman Helpage Belize
"No, I am certain that we have had parades before but I feel that today's parade was very critical because of some of those issues I mention in particular the issue of crime and violence because as you can recall about 4 or 5 weeks ago 2 senior citizens were senselessly killed; Mr. Nathaniel Trapp and Mr. Apolonio Hernandez and of course we are not saying that we should not also concern about our kids that are being killed but these gentlemen and others were innocent in terms of how the information was shared with the public. We are calling the authorities to try and assist us in trying to bring the perpetrators to justice."