Less than two weeks after Tropical Gaming paid out $90,000 to a single winner on September 30th, two players hit the 5 numbers needed to win last week Wednesday's Lotto payout of $55,000.00.
However, only one of the two winners showed up at the offices of Tropical Gaming Limited today, to pick up her half of the winnings. 49 year old Julia Singh, a single parent of 5 children, three of them in school, told Seven News how she found out she was a lucky winner.
Julia Singh, Lotto Winner
"You know sometimes I am busy and then I send somebody to buy my lotto a lot of times, and so this person come Friday morning and said you know you win the lotto. I said you lie, and he said yes you win the lotto. And so I took my phone and called the Lotto hotline number to find out if it was true and found out that it was true. So I felt so good and said oh my God I win the lotto."
"What u plan to do with the money?"
Julia Singh, Lotto Winner
"Pay bills and save some money for when I get older, you know when you can't work save so you can have something on the side."
After taxes were deducted, Singh walked away with her half of the prize, a check totaling $23,375.00. Singh says she bought two tickets, one quick pick and the winning ticket which were numbers she chose randomly. The winning numbers were 04-05-24-25- and 31.