7 News Belize

Queen’s Square Vendors Have Their Say
posted (November 23, 2010)
Yesterday we showed you the opening of the new Michael Finnegan Market, formerly the Queen's Square Market. And while you heard what the politicians had to say about the major upgrade, what about the vendors? They're the end users and we know they're very opinionated. Andrea Polanco sampled opinion today….

Market Stall Manager
"In my view I think it's a big improvement to what this is right now and I think it will be better not only for us as market vendors but better for the customers because they won't have to be walking in all this water that we have here and when it rains it pours from up there and a part from that the tourist passing through as they always do will find a much better place so I think it's a big step forward. I believe it's the best thing that can happen where markets is concern."

Andrea Polanco
"You are looking forward to move over to the new market?"

Margaret Bahadur, Vendor
"Well yes, because if everybody move then we have to move too. But they give us a letter saying that we have to find our own electricity and water, garbage bags; I agree with the garbage. Then a trade license, then the rent; 1st and last month, we have to pay 2 rent but they don't tell us what is the rent."

Andrea Polanco
"How you feel about this?"

Margaret Bahadur, Vendor
"Well I don't think that should happen to pay trade license; I don't think that is supposed to happen."

Andrea Polanco
"So if you should move over to that market you think it would make business better for you?"

Margaret Bahadur, Vendor
"I don't think so because the you have to pay a trade license and the vegetables prices will have to go up so that we could meet the expenses that we have to pay."

Marcos Guardado, Vendor
"They say that we are going to move in the middle of December. The market looks good, very good."

Andrea Polanco
"So are looking forward to move over there?"

Marcos Guardado, Vendor
"Yes, I am very excited because that market looks very good."

Andrea Polanco
"You think it will bring you more business?"

Marcos Guardado, Vendor
"Yes, I hope because it looks good and everybody like to buy in a new market."

Market Vendor
"We don't know when we will move but if the rent over there is much higher they we cannot move because right now the business is slow and they have to wait until they know what the rent is. Yes we can sell more over the new market than here because this stall is at the back and if we go at the new market we will be at the front. But we need to see if they rent is more, if the rent is like $10 a week then we can pay but if the rent is more then we won't be able to move because business is slow."

Andrea Polanco "Are you looking forward to moving over there?"

Ellis Humes, Vendor
"Sure, I like the idea. I was over there yesterday and I had an opportunity to look at the stalls and they look very presentable, I like the fact that they cemented the flooring because a lot of customers were complaining about the condition that the market was in before, they were so comfortable of doing business in the market but now it's very much comfortable. The spaces; well of course if you would want to make a shop you would want bigger spaces but they are reasonable. I like the idea."

Andrea Polanco
"So you think this news environment will bring more business for you?"

Ellis Humes, Vendor
"Well I would hope so because every time you relocate you lose customers - you gain customers so I hope that I will gain more than what I will lose."

While that's the vendors perspective, a supervisor at the market grumbled that his crew which provides security for the vendors will be replaced by Special Constables when the move is made to the new building. When we visited today electrical work was being done on the new market.

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