We spoke to Faber on the occasion of the visit of the Chairman and Chief Executive officer of Special Olympics, Dr. Timothy Shriver.
He is here with his family to visit with some of the country's 500 or so registered athletes with disabilities.
The Special Olympics is a movement founded in 1968 by Shriver's mother, Eunice Kennedy Shriver and is dedicated to providing acceptance and inclusion for individuals with intellectual disabilities in all corners of the globe.
Today at the House of Culture, he joined hands with the country's first Lady, Mrs. Kim Simplis Barrow in launching a calendar featuring artwork from 12 Belizean children with disabilities.
Dr. Timothy Shriver, Chairman/CEO Special Olympics
"This calendar is entitled "Inspiration" and what's wonderful about this calendar is that it reminds us that inspiration is not once a year, it's not once a week, it's not once a day, it's every day, it's every minute. So you open this calendar and we look forward in our home to hang this on the wall so that every day we can be reminded that what we aspire to in
Special Olympics is not an event but a way of life. Not to do something once but to love differently, to live in a way that respects the inspiration that these children who are these artists but respect the inspiration of everyone to remember that the great freedom is to break down the boundaries that separate us as people and too often disability or different ability acts as a barrier. It acts as a boundary, it acts as a limitation. We are afraid, we don't understand, we keep at a distance. These calendars here to remind us to welcome everyone and to free our self to live in a way that allows us to have spirit open enough to recognize the inspiration. Even in the most humble artist can create the most gifted images and even this cove is such a beautiful rendition of color and life and spirit that I think if Picasso or Van Gogh were to see it they would say what an artist."
"I am thrilled by this calendar for one special reason, not just because Joshua Nisbet, Doris Dayne, Jerome Bennett, Destiny Ariola, Kenroy Rosado, Ruby Garcia, Renoldo Pop, Akeem Jones, Angel Santoya, Jenille Davis, Aiden Rosado and Jermaine Vernon all design paintings for it, all of them."
Kim Simplis Barrow, Global Ambassador - Special Olympics
"It is a constant battle for such a child to access even the basic rights to education, self determination, safety, earning a living and being a productive citizen and so it is that anyone who comes into contact with these children comes as well to admire their wonderful resilience and resolve. it is an admiration that compel the lifeline foundation and me in my capacity as both special envoy for women and children and global ambassador for Special Olympics to embark on this calendar project. During the summer with the assistance of Care Belize and Special Olympics Belize we approach 12 differently able children from across the country and ask them to draw or paint something which inspires them. The resulting artwork beautifully captures not only talent and creativity but also their hopes and dreams. It is a testament as well to the fact that art, sport, education and play are critical part of these children's daily lives and that their potential an spirit are as bright and as inextinguishable as with all human beings. The work that forms the 2011 Inspiration calendar is thus a reminder that every child needs, wants and is fulfilled by the same things love, family, friends and the opportunity to be accepted for who they are not rejected for what they are not."
Shriver is the brother of Maria Shriver, the First Lady of California, who is the wife of California Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger. The calendar is produced by the Special Envoy for Women and Children and Global Ambassador for Special Olympics, Mrs. Kim Simplis-Barrow, in partnership with Lifeline Foundation, Special Olympics Belize, CARE-Belie, and Mc Nab Designs.
The calendars are not being sold, but if you are interested you can call the office of the Special Envoy 223-1941….