Saldivar also commented on the situation with the Sports Investigation Committee which is conducting an ongoing investigation into the recent election of a new Football Federation of Belize executive.
Saldiavr says he has not been involved in the investigation and only knows that the committee has one interview left to conduct. He told us what may happen after that:…
Jules Vasquez
"Is it a report which will guide you to action or is it a report which will just inform your deliberation?"
Hon. John Saldivar, Minister of Sports, Public Service and Governance
"Well as the description in terms of reference stated. Their investigation is surrounding the current executive that was elected a few months ago and how they were elected, the legality of it and those who participated in the entire thing so at the end of the day I expect that report to tell me about that and whether or not they feel that the investigation has
reveal that the current executive is valid or not valid. If it is found that the executive is valid, well that's the end of the story, there is nothing more to do that to respect that executive. If it is found that they are invalid for whatever reason that is when we will give them an opportunity to answer to those charges and if they are not able to do so satisfactory it is my intention to recommend to the national sports council what then to do with their membership to the national sports council."
Jules Vasquez
"But at some point it becomes apparent that FIFA is larger than any government. FIFA is a like a United Nations and one that has remain constant Mr. Bertie Chimilio has the unwavering support of FIFA and the regional CONCACAF."
Hon. John Saldivar, Minister of Sports, Public Service and Governance
"Well for me Jules, this is not about FIFA, this is not about international play. This is about organizing football in Belize and ensuring that football is played in Belize at the very highest level. If at the end of the day to break our ties with Dr. Chimilo means that we break our ties with FIFA then in my opinion so be it but that is at the end of the day be a decision made by Cabinet."