The Football Federation of Belize and the National Sports Council remain locked in a standoff. According to Sports Minister John Saldivar, the FFB has not turned in to the sports council its audited financials or minutes of its last general meeting - which the sports council says are required by law.
And now, according to today's Guardian, there may be a move afoot to try and supplant the mighty FFB with a new football federation. That is after the Commissioner of the Belize Premier Football League last week sent a letter to UNCAF, the regional governing body saying that his league has withdrawn its membership from the FFB. The Guardian further reports that pro tem football committees form six districts have sent letters to the Sports Council expressing concerns about how football is run in their respective districts.
Those may be the seeds of a new Federation, but this one still has some time to go. The Sports Council has extended the deadline for FFB compliance to June first.