On Tuesday, the Bus Operators Association gave the Ministry Of Transport a list of demands and an ultimatum to respond by noon today.
Well, the ministry did respond this morning, but the response was not what the Bus Operators wanted to hear.
The Operators demanded that all changes to the western runs which went into effect on Saturday be suspended so that the Belize Bus Owners Cooperative can have their regular runs re-instated.
According to Thomas Shaw, Chairman of the Bus Association, the CEO in the Ministry of Transport, Cendelaria Saldivar Mortis today told him that's not going to happen:..
Thomas Shaw, President BBOC
"She told me 'Mr. Shaw we cannot move the Westline because they hae already got a valid road service permit' and that's where we stand. But to my members they are not satisfy with it and as the president I am here in support and they are not in support of it - right now we have Belizeans for Justice, we have COLA with us, we have the taxi union - all of these people are actually united with us and we go from there."
Jules Vasquez
"When you say we go from there, what next?"
Thomas Shaw, President BBOC
"Like I said that we are going to discuss that as soon as you guys leave because I said initially we had our first meeting and we are going to discuss where we go from here and as soon as we get out this meeting you guys can feel free to call us and we will be more than happy to give you a response."
Jules Vasquez
"Are you prepare to entertain civil disobedience?"
Thomas Shaw, President BBOC
"No we will not."
So what's next? Well no one knows really. The meeting to plan their next move finished at 6:00 this evening and at that time the bus operators weren't saying anything.
We'll wait and see what happens tomorrow - but with the mood as bitter as it was this afternoon - we get the sense that it will be an eventful day.