Local artists have consistently proven that when it comes to talent, Belize is full of potential. Tonight we share a prime example of that fact with the story of budding moviemakers and brothers Aaron and Emmanuel Lauriano.
Monica Bodden Reporting:
It is called "Can't Take It No More", a film produced by two Belizean brothers Aaron and Emmanuel Lauriano. It is a first time collaboration for the siblings, and they told us that they began the process of making the low-budget movie in December of last year, with their friends helping out with the acting. The film is about a struggling Belizean artist, who looks for a job to support his family, but when he finds that there are not opportunities for him, he starts selling marijuana in the streets which almost cost him his life.
Aaron Lauriano - Owner Managerus Productions
"The movie is based on 2 persons - one was in the streets and he was just a youngster that was trying to make his life, or trying to look for a better way. He was an artist, and a musician also. And the other guy was the guy inside the house - he was an artist and musician also. He got caught up in life trying to find a job, ended up selling marijuana in the house, and ending selling marijuana for a dollar. And here comes this guy - let me get a dollar weed - and it didn't work out for him. So he went and came back with another guy, and instead of coming back with the $2 to purchase, he came back with $2 to shoot him up, which he did. And it goes on to where instead of you going out there and taking revenge on somebody do you something, sometime you should find forgiveness in your heart, find out what's that person's true problem, and try to help him, because you don't really know who is coming after you these days, or who you are going after these days. You might be going after your own sister, and you didn't even know. So in this case, this guy was his brother. He got to find that out while trying to kill him."
Brick City - Actor
"When Driver approached me with the movie, I was really interested in the movie. Actually he approached me and told me I have a role in the movie, and I was like, 'Okay'. And when I went over the script, and he told me, 'I want you to be yourself.' I was like, 'This is so easy for me to play.' And from there, we carried on, and we became partners in the business. And we supported each other."
Monica Bodden
"Tell me a little bit about the roll you play in the movie."
Brick City
"Well actually, when he got caught up in the streets, Driver was my friend, he was an artist. He wanted to deal with music, but I wanted work for his money. I could have given him the money to deal with this, but I wanted him to work for his money. And he chose to work for his money, and he got caught up in the streets, and I was the one who defended him."
The team says that the movie is art imitating life, a sad depiction of drugs, crime, and senseless killings on Belize City streets.
Aaron Lauriano
"I've been in the industry for many years, messing around with music videos, and listening to beats, and you want to grow. And I just came up with the idea, my brother and I, and we thought that maybe we should shoot a movie. And we didn't have any topic at the time because, shoot a move about what? And then, where we live, and lots of violence going on, we decided to shoot about we're going through, the true reality of life."
The Laurianos have won the most promising film-makers of the year award in the 2011 Belize International Film Festival, a recognition they say was unexpected.
Aaron Lauriano
"Well, to be honest with you, I didn't even know that there was an award to win. That's the truth. So you know, sometimes you work from the heart first. And God said that he's going to take the rest up in his own hands, because you've got to come as you are. So when I heard of an award, and I won an award for a movie, I was like, 'How could I win an award anyway, you know?' I was only making a movie in the street to promote stopping the violence. And then, Brick City came to me and he was like, 'Hey Driver, you need to come check this out.' And he showed me an award and said, 'You won this.' I did appreciate it and I would want to say thanks to whoever gave me an award because it was not expected."
The movie is not for sale in stores, but copies are available for only $10 from the producers. You can reach them at telephone numbers 664-0130.
Aaron Lauriano
"Well right now, we have the movie, and we are selling it in the streets. You can find me or Brick City somewhere in the streets, or you could call my number or something and get a copy of the movie from us. As for the store, I'm still talking to my manager - she's in the US - to do a release in the stores in Belize, nationwide, or wherever country it's going to go to."
Brick City
"We are putting it out in the streets, a small amount of packages we're putting out right now. We really want to hit the country-side. We want to hit the villages, the district. Actually, this week, we are going to head down to Mango Creek. Everywhere I go to DJ and play, Driver or I would have an amount on us. So we're heading down to Mango Creek on Friday. And on Saturday, we're going to PG. So, those people down there will get an opportunity to get a copy."
The Lauriano brothers are already working on their next project, tentatively titled "The Mad Beggar."