A diabetes camp might sound like some place where you eat a lot of sugary foods or foods high in Saturated fat - but the diabetes camp we visited today is nothing like that.
It's actually a place where kids - who have diabetes - learn how to avoid the foods and behavior that can worsen their condition.
But, more than that, it's about managing the condition - which is a reality for an increasing number of children.
The camp's organizer told us more:…
Anthony Castillo, President - Belize Diabetes Association
"In Belize we found a trend where more and more children and young adults are acquiring the condition of Diabetes and there are no stats on how many children are living with this condition at this time hence the reason we think it's very important for us to look at our young children and young adults who are living with diabetes."
"As you said most of the time when you think diabetes - its older persons. But you may be alarm to know and to see the number of children who are living with this condition. In most cases its type 1 diabetes for younger children - it's no fault of their - they were born with this condition but as I said they have to learn to live with this condition. This camp is to inform them and educate them in the right way on how cope with and live with the condition of diabetes."
"Initially you hear about type 1, but now we have type 2 children which is not good. Its acquired due to lifestyle, so a camp like this will teach them exactly hope you eat, do exercise and stay away from the computer and the video games that you sit behind and do exercise and stuff like that."
Regrettably, there are no formal statistics on juvenile diabetes in Belize. The camp runs all week at the ITVET building in Belize City….