As Belize's National Referral Hospital, the emergency room at the KHMH sees the most serious trauma cases, from things as serious as gunshot victims and traffic accidents to relatively manageable conditions such as late night asthma attacks.
And now, they should be better able to cope with that load as the hospital received a donation of thirty thousand dollars today from the Belize Natural Energy Trust.
This generous contribution will serve for the refurbishment of the entire doctors and nurses' station in the Accident and Emergency Unit. Here's what they had to say at handing over ceremonies:
Dr. Francis Longsworth - CEO, KHMH
"This handing-over ceremony marks both and end and a beginning. First, it is the end of phase one of the physical upgrade of the accident and emergency unit, which has been been generously sponsored by the BNE Trust, and which is exemplified by the beautiful and functional nurses-and-doctors station. This station was expertly crafted out of Belizean hardwood and Belizean granite, by Mr. Juan Coye of Belmopan, father of our own Dr. Adrian Coye. Of course, other things have happened during this phase, including the Dr. Pike's Medical Lounge, new managers' offices, construction and upgrading of bathrooms and sleuth room, improvements to the patients' waiting area, and new storage areas for drugs and supplies. Here I must acknowledge or maintenance department staff, who accomplished all of this work to a high standard and in good time. Secondly, it marks the transition of phase 2 of the project, which will see upgrades in several of the treatment areas, including renovation and expansion of the pediatric area, and creation of proper asthma bay, which take our asthmatic patients into a more fitting treatment environment than currently exists."
Daniel Gutierrez- Director, B.N.E.T.
"Partnering with our country's most important hospital is a tremendous source of pride for all of us at BNE Trust. I need not remind anyone that this is institution is so often at the forefront of fighting save the victims of violent crime, road accidents like yesterday, and so many other ailments that afflict Belizeans. At some point or another, probably all Belizeans, rich or poor, will have had somebody - a family member, a friend or a loved-one - depend on the services rendered by this great institution and its seemingly tireless staff. When this project was first proposed to us at BNE Trust, staff and trustees reacted immediately and enthusiastically. After all, the BNE Trust was envisioned as an institution that would make the lives of Belizeans better."
The KHMH is celebrating its 16th anniversary with a week of awareness-raising events.