The Belize Cancer Center in Dangriga has provided a much needed service to many ill persons, but still, the center is under-utilized.
So, today, the center called on the Cancer Society in Belize city to help them get the word out at an information session.
Here's why:..
Laura Tucker-Longsworth RN, Pres. Belize Cancer Society
"Today's Event is an important step in building the alliance with the Dangriga Cancer Center and others who are involve in Cancer care."
Sister Dellone Pascascio, Nursing Director
"Part of what we would like to do down forward and one of our strategic partners is the Belize Cancer Society, because we certainly can't do it without such an organization that reaches out and touches so many people. Part of what we would like to do is to make sure that if we can do nothing else to try to reduce the fear and the anxiety to allow individuals to come out and reach out to the Cancer Center and at least help us to help them."
The Cancer Society is also launching an initiative to provide chemotherapy services to children in Belize.