Last night we told you about the putrid odour emanating from the city dump.
It is the result of the disposal of 170 metric tons of spoilt "fish meal", an ingredient used to make shrimp and aquatic feed products. ADM Belize Mills disposed of the fish meal because it had moisture and heat damage, but it was not properly disposed of.
So measures were taken yesterday to try and cover it up - but it wasn't enough and the horrible odour was still affecting area residents today.
We caught councilor Phillip Willoughby just as he had come out of a meeting with Belize Mills and he told us a final solution is being applied:..
Phillip Willoughby
"We know now that what we did yesterday was not sufficient enough and much more work needs to be done, so we partnered and collaborated with the Belize Mills, they were lending a helping hand. We are looking at procuring at least up to 45 more loads of material to cover the area within the land fill."
Jules Vasquez
"Ok so because residents were still calling us today, complaining that the scent has not subsided, you all acknowledged this? Is it anyone's fault should this have been foreseen?"
Phillip Willoughby
"No, well like I said Belize Mills got clearance from D.O.E., we spoke with the Ministry of Health, we did not know that when the material was deposited at the land fill that this would have been the outcome. If we had known this would have been adverted and this will not happen again, so I take this opportunity once again to apologize to residence of Belize City on behalf of the Belize City Council."
Jules Vasquez
"How much longer will the residence particularly the Faber's Road but even in the Belama area have to content with it?"
Phillip Willoughby
"As we speak the materials are being procured, so I believe now and tomorrow at least $5,000 worth of materials will be at the dump site and will be spread."
Jules Vasquez
"Who is paying for this?"
Phillip Willoughby
"As I said we did a leg of it yesterday, and Belize Mills is throwing a portion today and we go from there and see where we stand and we assess the plan of action."
The material being used to cover the fish meal is clay.
And if "Philoughby" seemed to have a change in his bearing it's because on Sunday he graduated with an MBa from Galen University.