The UDP Caribbean Shores Convention will be held on Sunday December fourth. That's just six days away and all this week, the candidates will be working the streets from morning to night.
They have to because the convention was a hurry-come-up event - necessitated by the unexpected retirement of the current Area Representative Carlos Perdomo.
The candidates are the kind of people that should be in politics, educated, well rounded and well known. But while they are all qualified, only one can win. Who will it be? We tried to get a sense of that when we went politicking with them this weekend. Jules Vasquez reports:..
Jules Vasquez reporting
It's time, that's Chandra Nisbet Cansino's slogan and on Saturday we found her on University Drive taking it to the street.
Her campaign crew comprise many who have been her lifelong friends from the
Chandra Nisbet Cansino
"The strength of my campaign is the endorsement of the people from Caribbean Shores and if you notice the campaigners that are with me today are all people that are volunteering to campaign with me. You can ask every single one of them and they are all registered voters of Caribbean Shores and I think that is the most important endorsement that somebody can get."
And while they've known her all their lives, of the three candidates, she is the least well known:
Jules Vasquez
"I know that one of the criticisms against you is that you are virtual unknown. How have you been received? Have people indicated that: 'we don't know who you are?'"
Chandra Nisbet Cansino
"By now I am no longer an unknown, so let that be stated on the record."
Ann Marie Williams and Santi Castillo don't have that problem; they are both household names and have both been so for about twenty years:
Jules Vasquez
"Just looking at it from the outside, I would say that we shouldn't even be having this conversation of who will win because it should be automatic that Santi will win. He is wealthy, he is well known. He is popular in different arenas and so it should be automatic that he should win. How would you respond to that?"
Chandra Nisbet Cansino
"I would respond to that by saying that it is people that vote Jules and Its people in Caribbean Shores that are going to vote for me."
Jules Vasquez
"Yes, but all those people know Santi and I would imagine being that he has been in the public spotlight so long that they must like him."
Chandra Nisbet Cansino
"Well I like him too. I think he is a pretty nice guy but when it comes to what Chandra has to offer Caribbean Shores - I do believe that I am the better candidate and I believe that people believe that too."
Santi Castillo
"I haven't walked into a home yet which has not welcomed me and actually Jules I'll take it a bit further. I haven't walked into a home that has not recognized who I am and the reception has been great."
Jules Vasquez
"You are a nurse and Santi is a businessman. How much is that important in your campaign, I saw it as the first thing on your flyer. How important is it to project that? You are somebody career presumably is built on compassion for others."
Chandra Nisbet Cansino
"The feedback that I am getting from people is that we have a lot of businessmen already in government. We have a lot of businessmen represented in the United Democratic Party and people are looking for more diversity and that is one of the things I was trying to bring forth that there has never been a nurse that has been on the slate for the United Democratic Party as far as I can remember."
And there's also never been a women's right champion like Ann Marie Williams:
Ann Marie Williams
"Jules the experience has been amazing. It's better than I thought. The voters are very receptive and it's just a great sense of encouragement. For me this is actually my life's work."
And, according to Williams, what's making it easier for her is the contrast between her and her establishment opponents:
Jules Vasquez
"A lot of people are saying..."
Ann Marie Williams
"From one perspective; the money perspective."
Jules Vasquez
"No from the endorsements as well."
Ann Marie Williams
"From the money and the endorsements."
Jules Vasquez
"Money and endorsements, that's what makes politics work."
Ann Marie Williams
"No, that is not what makes politics work. If money and the endorsement would make politics work, a lot of the people who they don't want to win and win wouldn't happen. The endorsements don't make politics work. If we have an educated electorate that we have in Caribbean Shores, people sees already that a lot of the people who are endorse and have money they do anything. I don't even have to get somebody to try to sell me because people know exactly who they are voting for. I have been here. I have earned my keep."
And while Ann Marie has put in her work over years, so has Santi Castillo.
Santi Castillo
"Jules a lot of people have told me that I have been contributing in many ways to the Belizean society from they know me, for the last 30 plus years, so they know that this is not because I am in politics. I've been doing this for 30 years and they know of my sincerity."
But, his opponents say they know more about his money:
Ann Marie Williams
"And if I need to be a millionaire or I need to have a lot of money to run then the voters need to question my motives because I think service above everything else and what's in your heart comes not from having money but it comes from a place deep within and I think a lot of people who are going to support me and people who live around me are people who track my career they know that. I have no interest in money. My entire life is being one with service."
Jules Vasquez
"How do you answer the criticism that you are a business person and you are getting into politics as a business?"
Santi Castillo
"Jules at the risk of sounding arrogant we are already rich. How much richer can you get? I mean truth of the matter is that the money that is given to Caribbean Shores will be used for Caribbean Shores and because I am a businessman I am going to stretch that money way beyond what a normal non-business person could stretch it."
And the women candidates are stretching their dollars just for the campaign:
Jules Vasquez
"How much of a factor in this campaign is the issue of money? Santi is known to be a wealthy person and one would imagine that he is spending significantly on his campaign."
Chandra Nisbet Cansino
"Financing is a challenge for us. It's very surprising and very humbling to see the people that have come forward to give support to my campaign. We are doing it the Obama way Jules; one one full basket and so every little that is contributed and every little that we can get we are using it very wisely."
Jules Vasquez
"How has it been managing an underfunded campaign? Underfunded in comparison to Santi's at least."
Ann Marie Williams
"Well it's been a bit challenging but you need to don't lose sight of the big picture. I am not here because I have a lot of money, because if I had a lot of money I've wouldn't have been running."
The other element that the women candidates have in common s that they are both trying to be the only females on the UDP's general election slate:
Jules Vasquez
"Is she a factor in your campaign in so far as that she also is a woman and you all are both campaigning to the only woman on the UDP slate for the general election?"
Chandra Nisbet Cansino
"I try to focus my campaign on what I have to offer. I try to avoid the noise in the market and make sure that I check my change and so both Santi and Ann Marie are opponents and any vote that goes to them would be less vote for me. Really for me it's neither here nor there what they have and what I don't have it's what I have to offer. That is the way that I look forward."
Jules Vasquez
"You and Chandra both appeal to perhaps the same type of voter and in so doing you undermine each other because the person who might vote for you might also vote for Chandra because they want somebody who is not a businessman."
Ann Marie Williams
"The people who might want to vote for two of us, I still say look at the record. I have a name. I have made a name for myself. I go campaigning door to door and nobody has to ask who Ann Marie Williams is. I am not just here today and I wasn't out there to try to split hairs or anything. I offered myself, there is a difference."
Santi Castillo
"I have been hearing that, in fact a lot of people who I've met have asked me the question which I have not been able to answer; why is it that the status quo seems to be going with Chandra or Ann Marie when Ann Marie has been the forefront in women's affairs way before Chandra. This is the question that is being asked of me and I said I can't answer that. I can only tell you what I can do for Caribbean Shores has been my reply, so clearly they will be split there."
Santino, meanwhile was proudly walking the area this morning with the latest addition to his camp, Omar Burns, an area Captain under Perdomo - who defected from Chandra's camp on Saturday:
Jules Vasquez
"Omar, how are we to interpret the change in camps? Is it that you feel that the Nisbet-Cansino camp isn't a winning camp?"
Omar Burns
"Jules right now as far as I stand I've made a decision on Saturday to join Santinos and his team. That's where I leave it up to now. I have no word to say about the other camp, I will continue preach the gospel to get Santi elected."
Jules Vasquez
"As a former general for Mr. Perdomo, you have a responsibility during elections - everybody knows that that West Landivar is your area. Will you be able to tell those voters in that area 'listen, I change over, I want you to change over as well.'"
Omar Burns
"Jules, it's nothing hard for me to do. The people and I in Caribbean Shores in poling area 3, I have worked tirelessly every day, late at night with those people and will explain to them my reasons for changing camp and I think they will come home along with me."
Jules Vasquez
"Looking at it from the outside, just optics, people will say well Santi campaign is the big money campaign and you switch over because maybe Santi is offering you a nicer arrangement."
Omar Burns
"Jules, Santi is right here along with Roger Espejo and everybody body know I never have a dollar figure that we negotiate or anything. I came because I am genuinely felt I needed a change."
Santi Castillo
"I didn't offer a single dollar to Omar. He in fact called me if he can come over to our camp and I welcomed him. This has nothing to do with not a single dollar."
Chandra Nisbet Cansino
"Really for me it's neither here nor there what they have and what I don't have it's what I have to offer. That is the way that I look forward. I try to avoid the noise in the market and make sure that I check my change."
So, on Sunday, which will it be:
Ann Marie Williams
"The people who are going door to door painstakingly to campaign to them. If they want a change then they should not be caught up in the hype because life is not about hype. When you peel off the layers and get rid of the hype, the next day you are still in the same place. The people who are poor are still poor or are poorer."
Jules Vasquez
"How do you answer the criticism that if you win its a victory and this is pointed criticism that Ann Marie has made, it's a victory over hype over substance; a victory of money over commitment to the community?"
Santi Castillo
"Well I don't think that's true because Ann Marie herself has complemented me on many issues in the past and I have assisted Ann Marie with many different request from her and they know Santi is about substance, so whenever Ann Marie has called on me I have assisted, whenever Chandra has ask my assistance in the ride across Belize I have been there. They know Santi is in fact is about substance."
Jules Vasquez
"You feel that you realistically have a chance of winning?"
Chandra Nisbet Cansino
"I feel like more than realistically have a chance of winning."
Santi Castillo
"I look forward to a victorious Sunday."
Ann Marie Williams
"And at the end we do our best and we leave the rest."
One week from tonight, we'll tell you whose politics pitch won over the most voters.