7 News Belize

Bar Moves Against Sol Gen's "SC" Status
posted (December 12, 2011)
Solicitor General Cheryl Krusen took up office in July of this year - right around when the Ninth Amendment was introduced - and she had a baptism by fire - taking center stage in the super-heated national debate about the Ninth.

She proved her mettle, but also made a more than a few enemies in the Bar Association, a large part of which was unwaveringly opposed to the passage of the ninth.

And now, those enemies, it seem want to exact some punishment; they want Krusen stripped of her distinction as a Senior Counsel. As we had reported, the last act of Samuel Awich as Acting Chief Justice was to elevate three attorneys to senior counsel, Krusen being one of them.

Right away, the grumbling started that she did not have the required years of service in Belize to qualify as a senior counsel. First, it was just grousing, but now the Bar Association has taken a resolution to retain attorneys to investigate the matter and see if her appointment to Senior Counsel can be challenged and overturned in court.

The decision was taken at a recent special meeting of the Bar Association. No attorneys have yet been retained as these would likely have to volunteer from within the ranks of the Bar. As we understand it, the position is not unanimous and many within the bar are torn about it because it will sour relations within the legal fraternity.

But, the majority which attended the meeting has decided - and - even though the distinction of senior counsel - has recently been sullied by the elevation of a few less than stellar legal practitioners - Krusen would be the first, in memory, whose "SC" status may be challenged.

We stress "may be" - because the attorneys will be retained to see whether it can be challenged.

Of course, they are splitting hairs over her years of service in Belize, but there is no question that Krusen has vast accumulated experience in the region; She is an Attorney with more than thirty years' experience including working as a Crown Counsel in the Office Belize's DPP, a Magistrate in Belize and Corozal, and then, Deputy Registrar of the Supreme Court of Jamaica; Legal Adviser to the Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of Government Business in the House of Representatives of Jamaica. Krusen was also involved in the process of advising on the instruments which led to the formation of the Caribbean Court of Justice.

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