On Friday afternoon, three masked men in dark clothing robbed a trio of Bowen and Bowen employees who were on a pre-Christmas delivery route.
The robbers ambushed the delivery-men as they slowed down for a speedbump at Middlesex Primary School at mile 25 on the Hummingbird Highway.
It happened at 3:30 when the attackers came out of the bushes and fired three shots at the delivery truck - hitting the windshield.
That forced them to stop and they were then ordered out of the truck, and put to lie face down on the road.
The driver Jaime Salguero was robbed of three hundred dollars of his own money, but the gunmen weren't satisfied with that: They shot the cashpan open and snatched the says sales money, which was seven thousand dollars.
Police retrieved six expended shells from the scene and detained two males from Middlesex Village, one 33 years old and the other 17.