There's some good news tonight for one political activist whose 2011 had its own set of tribulations.
34 year old Moses Sulph was informally accused earlier this year of presiding over irregularities at the government department where he worked. He lost his job over that one, and then only a couple months later, was arrested and charged with assaulting a female.
Sulph, the President of COLA, and part time employee of a law firm, was freed of the assault charges today, when it was dismissed by the Magistrate's court.
Senior Magistrate Sharon Fraser dismissed the charge after she was informed by the prosecutor that the complainant, Edita Sanedra, gave a statement in which she said she does not want any further court action.
Sanedra had alleged that on Thursday night, July 21st, 2011, she and Sulph were at his home on Flamboyant Street when they had a mis-understanding and Sulph pushed her in her chest and caused her harm.
Sulph said he was only being a Good Samaritan by allowing Sanedra to stay at his house.